BBBY Thread

Looking at the daily chart, BBBY has had trouble breaking $13. It went over $13 in AH/PM. The market was extremely cooperative last week. We’ve been on a bit of a market-wide tear on very low volume (Friday especially).

This week (Wednesday in particular) brings another set of catalysts that could create headwinds or tailwinds. I hope this keeps going. Holding $13 will be my test of whether this is worth my money and time or not. If I do buy in, it’ll be ITM for extra protection as many others here have talked about already.


August 15, 2022, 10:00 am ET, BYBill T.-Contributor| Editor: Thomas H. Kee Jr. (Follow on LinkedIn)

Source: Stock Traders Daily

Longer Term Trading Plans for BBBY
  • Buy BBBY over 12.93 target n/a stop loss @ 12.89. Details

The technical summary data tells us to buy BBBY near 12.93, but there is no current upside target from the summary table. In this case we should wait until either an update to the summary table has been made (which usually happens at the beginning of every trading day), or until the position has been stopped. The data does tell us to set a stop loss 12.89 to protect against excessive loss in case the stock begins to move against the trade. 12.93 is the first level of support below 14.1803, and by rule, any test of support is a buy signal. In this case, if support 12.93 is being tested, a buy signal would exist.

  • NONE . Details

There are no current resistance levels from the summary table, and therefore there are no Short resistance Plans which tell us to short upon tests of resistance. Resistance levels have broken higher and unless the stock reverses lower and below support levels again short positions look risky.

Swing Trading Plans for BBBY
  • Buy BBBY over n/a, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 0 Details

If n/a begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy BBBY just over n/a, with an upside target of n/a. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 0 in case the stock turns against the trade. n/a is the first level of resistance above 14.1803, and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, n/a, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

  • Short BBBY near n/a, target 12.93, Stop Loss @ 0. Details

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of BBBY if it tests n/a with a downside target of 12.93. We should have a stop loss in place at 0 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance, n/a, is being tested a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a test of resistance it is referred to as a Short Resistance Plan.

Day Trading Plans for BBBY
  • Buy BBBY over n/a, target n/a, Stop Loss @ 0 Details

If n/a begins to break higher, the technical summary data tells us to buy BBBY just over n/a, with an upside target of n/a. The data also tells us to set a stop loss @ 0 in case the stock turns against the trade. n/a is the first level of resistance above 14.1803, and by rule, any break above resistance is a buy signal. In this case, n/a, initial resistance, would be breaking higher, so a buy signal would exist. Because this plan is based on a break of resistance, it is referred to as a Long Resistance Plan.

  • Short BBBY near n/a, target 13.06, Stop Loss @ 0. Details

The technical summary data is suggesting a short of BBBY if it tests n/a with a downside target of 13.06. We should have a stop loss in place at 0 though in case the stock begins to move against the trade. By rule, any test of resistance is a short signal. In this case, if resistance, n/a, is being tested a short signal would exist. Because this plan is a short plan based on a test of resistance it is referred to as a Short Resistance Plan.


This might do something tmr. Ryan Cohen is still in apparently


BBBY saw a downgrade to sell from neutral by B. Riley today. Could be a bit of a momentum killer on this play today. Currently down 3% pre-market

I personally don’t think this is over yet. I got in at $10.50 with Nov $25c’s because it has a similar setup to GME: a dying retail business with brand recognition that Ryan Cohen is invested in and now has massive WSB/retail sentiment behind it. They also have that business update announcement planned for end of Aug.

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Todays volume has surpassed yesterdays and the day isn’t even over yet. This could run for one or two more days is my best educated guess. Don’t chase if you didn’t get in early.


congrats on this thread and starting it before the major run-up. Nice job all. Lock in profits.

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I appreciate the excitement but you’re being extremely speculative. Based on what we’ve seen from a lot of other meme runs you’re more likely to be close to the end of this than you are to have more days.

Today’s intraday peak has a strong possibility of being “it”.


Yes, this could be the end of it, I agree.

Thank you.

I had 17,500 shares and a few options that I closed out today after substantial gain. I agree, this is on its last heel. I wouldn’t dare take up a position now.


Wow. Fuckin wow. So yea i hope people made some money. Agreed with the above statements that getting in at this point is just chasing. Honestly its just straight up gambling at this point.

That being said i didnt get to close out of my position yesterday because of work. Got stupid lucky and closed out today near the high.

Proceed with caution.
I entered the 30s for this week. I understand most of you think this is done and i would agree but it has made me some capital over the last 2 weeks and I’m willing to take a chance with a small amount. If i make money on those i will continue to reposition where im comfortable.

Everything about this play has be calculated like i haven’t see in along time. just the option volume ATM is blowing my mind, this isn’t retards buying way OTM strikes like the 30’s… They are going for it.

Again as fast as this thing goes up, it’ll come down faster and our premiums will disappear in an instant.

Be very very careful, im nervous that saying im staying in it may not allow people to make the correct decision but i feel these events can be played even with extremely high risk as long as you dont let you emotions get ahold of you.


Gonna write some stuff I mentioned in TF. If it’s useless info u can delete. So Reddit thinks they can bring it to $60 because Cohen has far OTM calls that he made a while back. BUT will insiders sell soon?


Cohen having $60 calls isn’t a catalyst, the short interest was and most signs are pointing to that being gone at this moment.


I think Cohen has good control of the board now. Not sure of GME insiders sold or not, but if he has a plan and a vision he might get the insiders to hold.

Saying that Cohen’s options must be 10x I assume. He could just sell himself

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After selling all my 29c this morning for a good profit. I bought 1 45c for this week for the hell of it as a gamble.

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I agree with Cohen not being the sole catalyst for sure. Honestly my biggest worry is retail holding the bags of insiders. I’m not too familiar with how it works but can insiders sell whenever? If so, why haven’t they? Do they think it can still go up? I think I remember reading they had a good amount of debt to take care of somewhere on TF.

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I would have to agree that Cohen is not the catalyst, although it dosnt hurt that he got in with 10%.

SI was the true catalyst but it wasnt even a contender of a squeeze until last week happened and put alot of shorts under.

Obviously today had the volume to close all of that SI but its all about if this continues. There’s going to be alot of short volume today and a long way to go back up to put those positions in the red but ill be looking for that to happen.

Waiting to see if this holds the $17-18 range and pulls back up.

Another word of caution. i entered the 30’s for this week but i will flatten these mf as soon as my support line breaks. No hopeinum.

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I personally don’t think BBBY is completely over until I see where it’s at tomorrow. I can already predict there’s gonna be “THIS IS YOUR DIP” posts tonight on WSB and apes will pull out more loans for tomorrow. Let’s see how diamond those reddit hands are in the morning. For now all I have are 15 gambling shares of BBBY. Took all profit on calls. Especially the last 2 thanks to the theta bot. Cheers!

This is a stock with a massive float and retail can’t pump it as much for that reason.


Could you expand on what you mean by theta bot?

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