Biopharma Catalyst (FDA Approvals & Data Read outs)

Cybin (CYBN) – Long Term Play with key 2023 data catalyst (February 28, 2023) Dec 22, time flies


The start of phase 3 can be big too.image


Can someone with a better financial background look at their financials?

My average cost is now at 0.29295

cash burn looks to be around $5-6M per month which would imply a runway less than 6 months which is far rom ideal but have seen worse, they must have a different year end because all of their financial links are jacked up, they are already showing Q2 2024 but the links points me to 6-months ended 9/30/23… AP doubled while AR only increase 20%, prepaid expenses also doubled,

So there is a risk of dilution?

i cut today because i wanted to reduce risk due to position size on CYBN. Still holding NDRA at least lol

I want to see their cash position at Dec because if that were the case they would’ve needed money by then from the sept report I was looking at. So there might be some other funding or influx of cash that I am missing. also NYSE doesn’t have $1 threshold so not as risky for a r/s which is good.

I drew for art class today, been tracking that jump in volume for vcnx this weekimage

:rotating_light: Steven A. Cohen 13G filed with $vcnx, there’s where your volume has been coming from… this could get interesting

What’s people’s cost in that. I saw one said .21 but don’t see it below .51 recently

I’m .93 was way higher because I entered before r/s

Ahh didn’t realize rs

CYBN had a strong finish to the week, price action dude thinks less chance it dips below this green box since it was able to stay above it. Future dips into green would be liquidity draws for a potential push higher.

<@725660865835171881> stay in here and learn stuff. You can ignore the other channels

Blackdread is in med school for doctor stuff. Going to try and catch him up once he’s done his exams

<@117812411758542852> for $LEXX we should monitor following catalyst for now:

  • DehydraTECH-GLP-1: Animal studies planned for 1Q 2024. In-human trials planned fro 2Q or 3Q 2024.