Looking forward to this. I use Lux as well, but your settings and interpretation are likely vastly different than mine. Excited to hear about your methodology!
Been traveling all day, wasn’t at my trading desk also hungover AF. Don’t have my tools and not feeling sharp. For sure not gonna trade on day like today. Hope everyone else did alright.
Hey all slowly getting some time in the morning to do some trades. Not super confident yet but getting back into the groove of things. Got some solid gains in the bag the last week or so. Will start posting daily now.
Glad to see you back! You left us on a bit of a cliffhanger with that tutorial you said you’d write up. Do you plan to still do that?
As soon as I get some time I will. It is still the same basic idea. Try to stack multiple timeframes then play the trend. LUX ALGO is amazing for trend spotting at different timeframes. It makes doing this pretty easy.