MENoir Trading Journal

In and out of SPY 4/29 442c 3.85 → 4.12 +7% in 1 min
Done for the day.

Picked what turned into a terrible entry on 4/29 SPY 449c this morning. Ended up holding them until tomorrow.

Will update with (likely) losses.

Hardest part of this is definitely cutting losers.

Out of those SPY 4/29 449c @ open 4.11 → 4.55 +10% in 1438 min
Considering that play an L even though it was green because I didn’t wanna hold overnight. Rushing entires bites you in the ass. Waiting for resistance or support for next entry.

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In and out of QQQ 4/29 348p 6.06 → 6.36 +5% in 3 min
Done for the day.

Took a 15% L yesterday. Bought SPY calls on a support just hoping to scalp a quick bounce which didn’t happen. Cut them fairly quick because the market was looking like a slide and I was lucky I did because SPY drilled all day.

Still on-track so we’re on to next week.

In and out of QQQ 4/29 232p 5.85 → 6.20 +6% in 2 min
Done for the day.

Rough 2 days trying to scalp for me. Taking a couple days off before I do more damage.

Well I lied. Scalped SPY puts twice for ~3.5% each.
SPY 5/6 415p 6.50 → 6.75 in 4 min
SPY 5/4 420p 4.05 → 4.20 in 4 min

Decided I’m done for the day after missing my put entries, and no way I’m holding puts bought @ $416 over the weekend.

Bought and sold 1 AFRM 5/20 30p for +2%
Bought and sold 2 AFRM 6/17 25p for +6%

Small profits, but consistent green is what we’re shooting for.

Tried playing a strangle for PFE earnings. Stayed relatively flat all day, and then that SPY rally killed the puts (which were up) while not helping the calls at all. Sold the position for a 20% loss. Could have gotten out at breakeven an hour ago, but the thesis is for for an EOD IV rally and wanted to give that a chance to play out.

I feel better about AMD tomorrow – it should have better volatility. PFE had good OI but doesn’t have the earnings IV. Plus Rexxar confirmed Mondays are bad for these, so we’ll try AMD tomorrow.

Dunno if it was just bad entries this morning or AMD IV not reacting the way we expected, or if IV is about to rocket, but I sold my strangles for a small loss of ~6%.

Scalped a 5/4 420 call off that dip below $415 for +8% which offset some of those small losses.

Two scalps so far this morning. Saving the rest of my BP for FOMC.

SPY 5/9 420c 4.35 → 4.56 +5% in 5 min
SPY 5/9 416c 5.25 → 5.36 +2% in 7 min

Rode the candles starting at 2PM.

SPY 5/6 420c 4.25 → 4.38 +3% in 5min
SPY 5/6 420c 3.69 → 3.90 +5% in 6min
SPY 5/6 420c 3.02 → 3.25 +7% in 2min

Out of buying power after that so done for the day. Hit my targets so I’m not salty, but full disclosure if I’d bought all those and held til right now the whole lot would be up over 100%. Given the market unknowns, I don’t regret taking profit, and today’s scalps made back my ER plays from Monday and Tuesday.

One last scalp:
QQQ 5/6 334c 1.69 → 1.76 + 4% in 1 min

Red day, but I was able to trade smarter after this morning and mitigate the damage.

The L:

  • SPY 5/13 425c 5.72 → 4.45 -22%

The Ws:

  • SPY 5/13 410p 6.15 → 6.30 +2%
  • SPY 5/13 410p 6.20 → 6.30 +1.5%
  • SPY 5/13 410p 5.75 → 5.20 +8%
  • AMD 5/20 96c 3.80 → 4.00 +5%

Overall down 4.4% on the day but happy I was able to make back some losses. Made back half what I was down in the morning. Originally I was gonna hold the AMD calls, but I was given 5% EOD so I took it, especially with the reports coming out tomorrow morning.

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Not bad today, nothing big just trying to scalp a few percentage points.

SPY 5/13 405c +4%
SPY 5/13 400p +5%
SPY 5/13 405c +4%
AMD 5/20 90c +1.5%

Account up 2.5% on the day. Plan for tomorrow is probably 5/13 95p unless things are looking different. Regardless, cash overnight because I feel like CPI is gonna swing things hard one way or the other and I wanna ride the wave.

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Little scalps all day.

SPY 5/13 400p +2%
SPY 5/13 400p +3.5%
SPY 5/13 400p +3.5%
SPY 5/13 402c +3%
SPY 5/13 402c +5%
AAPL 5/13 155c +7.5%
SPY 5/13 400c +5.5%
ESSC 6/17 10c +7%
SPY 5/13 395p +1%
SPY 5/13 400p +1%

Account up 3% on the day. Looking to ride the CPI trend tomorrow and hopefully hold something for a little more profit if we have a clear trend.


Terrible day.

Down 18% on the day. Sold SPY 5/13 395p for a 12% loss this morning, flipped RBLX 6/17 25p for +20%, sold SPY 5/13 405c for a 13% loss, and the big one, sold a couple TSLA 850c for a 60% loss.

Holding a handful of AMD 6/17 100c that are down 11%.

Should have just followed my plan and held 395p, but it really looked like we were gonna push up. Tomorrow’s a new day.

Today I made two trades, scalping SPY 396c and 397c FDs. Both times I bought and sold a min later for +7% and +5%. Account up 5% on the day.

Working with $5k here, gonna start sweeping out everything over $5k every week or when I have the settled cash to do so.

Hope everyone else had a good day, too.


Yay marshmallow headed friend, you’ve been doing awesome lately :pepepray:

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