$MOTN > $DCGO (vote passed and co has 60% redemptions leaving 4M float) $MOTN > $DCGO

Any particular reason?

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Well if the thesis is correct its because it has a tiny float (est. $5M) after lockups, redemptions, etc.

Up 13.5% on 400k volume…

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so there are no catalysts, people say we are waiting for a PT here as a first possible catalyst.
the company is a good one, but it looks more like a mid term investment since there are no shorts involved and it doesnt seem to get the love of other despacs volume wise. No volume, no P&D.

I wouldnt mind an entry around NAV price, as an investment.


$18-25 PT, first PT since post merger… LFG!!!


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Shouldn’t this thing be booming rn? So just keep holding till more PR covers it and then eventually it will rise?

I was previously holding but sold on the merger. Now holding some shares again in hopes of them rising based off of this PT. If it doesn’t move a lot in a week or so i’ll just drop them and wait for some more volume to hit it.

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Appears to be consolidating back around NAV, there’s very little short interest right now so it’s good that it’s holding today. I’m dying for someone to help with some TA on this… Also hearing some chatter about when will options be available.

I’m still holding my position after buying back in after the ticker change.

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Third quarter revenue increased 219% year-over-year.

Preliminary revenue estimates: $81M
Actual revenue: $85.8M

Up 5% after hours, back at NAV $10

This company is losing money hand over fist. And since they aren’t making electric vehicles, that doesn’t bode well. They aren’t expected to make money until next year, and that’s if they hit some pretty aggressive targets. A pro forma valuation of $1.105 billion is pretty high for not making any money. They predicted to lose $5M on 155M revenue this year.

This might wait for another quarter’s results before moving. Are you predicting some sort of squeeze?

It’s misleading if you don’t follow the business combination, which started last October 2020… So the cash on hand at 12/31/20 was related to that… In other words that huge stockpile of cash at 12/31/20 isn’t comparable to the 9/30/21 balance for forward looking purposes IMO…

It’s a low float, was playing this for a run up after PTs and such… which should now be coming out shortly since the financials have been released last night (what a nice surprise)

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Are you still in?

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I used to be. Stock is random imo. I doubt he is in it still.

He’s dead, Jim

I’m holding with a position that I can go to sleep comfortably at night, even if I’m red… Not advisable for anyone trying to swing this with a position size they can make money with somewhere else.

Already up over 5% premarket as I write this… Looking for a nice run today… Still holding initial position just might take longer than anticipated…

Northland Capital Markets analyst Michael Latimore maintains DocGo with a Outperform and raises the price target from $16 to $22.

Barclays initiates coverage on DocGo (NASDAQ: DCGO) with a Overweight rating

Doubled my position on that pullback down to the high $7s this AM. Cost basis looking better now at $9…

Market clearly dragging this down but those sharp bottom tests today seem bullish… I could’ve gotten a better entry if I waited but still happy with my position here. Watch the overall market and play safely…

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DocGo Raises Full-Year 2021 Revenue, Adjusted EBITDA Guidance; Shares Rise

BY MT Newswires
— 9:33 AM ET 12/01/2021

09:33 AM EST, 12/01/2021 (MT Newswires) – DocGo ( DCGO ) said Wednesday it was raising its full-year 2021 guidance for revenue and adjusted EBITDA due to higher-than-expected mobile health revenues.

The provider of mobile medical services said it now expects 2021 revenue of $290 million to $300 million, up from previous guidance of $260 million. It also raised its guidance on adjusted EBITDA to at least $12 million, up from its prior outlook of $10 million.

Shares rose 2.3% in early trading.

Price: 8.19, Change: +0.19, Percent Change: +0.02

For a general update here, since this play didn’t pan out how I expected initially, there is the unlocking of the PIPE next that could present better opportunities to buy in if you believe in the fundamentals and TA of this stock.

Personally, the fact that they keep upping their year-end estimates is super bullish and either they are strategically estimating low and keep beating their own projections, or they are bad at estimating their growth. Take it how you want, trade safely.

Felt like I owe this thread an update for the sake of a trail on this.

After doubling down last week, I’m now holding at a total gain and will likely set a stop loss going forward, above my cost basis, to lock in and profits and eliminate any loss.

My stop loss got fished out, I’m fully out now and this thread can definitely be archived.