SENS - Potential FDA Approval Play

Lets say SENS gets approved and has a pop for a couple dollars or more potentially, we would most likley see a sell off afterwards. Then I think we would see a rise similiar to what we saw with OYST which was a continued rise. If this theory holds which I feel like it could, would it be potentially wise to instead of selling your shares if you have a low cost basis to potentially selling the nearest monthly CCs for the jacked premiums and then hold the shares for a longer term potentially higher returns similiar to with OSYT? Just some food for thought.

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In for 2/18 2c and 4/14 2.5c. Let’s get it!

in with 02/18 2c. Theta was -0.0061 the last time I checked today.

wondering about the bear case here for shares, if this doesn’t get FDA approval, will the stock dump even more to under $2? dollar stocks haven’t done me good in the past so I would like to know the bear case if there’s anything else to it we might be overlooking


Im curious what a timeline of ‘weeks’ means as well

Some old info on previous expected timeline here: $SENS incoming FDA approval? - #2 by Kevin

tl;dr SENS expected approval by end of Q2 2021. It’s now 2022. Approval soon?

I can only hope…

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The nice thing about SENS is they already have EU approval and revenue. It’s not a pre-revenue biopharm looking for their first drug approval. I’d expect a drop, but it shouldn’t be as drastic as some of the horror stories I’m sure you’re aware of, and there’s good reason to expect it could at least recover to current levels. SENS is already beat down now as it is.

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This ^^


That ^^

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picked up march 2.5cs

I think it’s a no brainer


the February OI for 3 calls is HUGE. I picked up 2/18 2.5c today. Let’s hope FDA approval comes out soon.

i’m also adding some 03/18 2.5cs here, taking slightly further out than Feb because i’m also unsure about the phrasing of “coming weeks”


Averaged down on my shares, picked up some more Jan 2.5c. Still not trusting that “upcoming week”.


Just added a large batch of March 2.5s. Good entry point, seems like a smart play.

Well call me no brain then

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Pretty bullish on SENS… I added shares at 2.2
Going long on them.

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Took another batch of calls for March 2.5c

Feb 2c for short term swinging
March 2.5c for the FDA approval play, but might end up swinging these as well

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In on some March 3.5s

Averaged down on some April 2.5s

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