SHIBA INU and Ecosystem DD

Shiba coming to Robinhood TBD

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Chart update:
15min 3rd Bull Flag getting out of the pennant is already forming… this thing is moving way too fast…

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Too many rumors flying around. I think it’s a smart move, and that petition is over 400K signatures for them to do it so :man_shrugging:

@deadBread gave us his blessing! He finally admitted it’s going to the moon!


So with this coin being so low in price is it worth waiting or trying to find some dip or should I just get my fill when I can? If it weren’t for this DD I would not have been out digging to learn more about crypto. Thank you for your time I generally ignore crypto but not anymore.

In my opinion, under 0.00006 is not a bad buy. That’s where I’ve been averaging up to, but I also had 100M at a MUCH lower CB (cost basis).

Ultimately, I do still think my 0.0001 PT by EOY is still realistic, so even if you buy now you will likely have an opportunity to sell for profit. Just don’t put in more than you’re willing to lose, and remember you don’t realize your loses until you sell. Panic is your enemy.

Edit: And thank you @Only_Joebee ! Glad I could help broaden your horizons a bit. Just remember me when you’re sitting on your yacht somewhere :joy::+1:

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Would like to preface this posting with saying I am no expert i have been investing in crypto for about a year at this current time i am tracking SHIBA. IMO just a theory that it will not run to 1C but it will move a few decimal points and there are considerable profits to be made here along the way riding the trend, i would suggest buying dips near or below 59-63 and selling above 73-79 at the time of me writing this to make quick scalp profits in between large moves, other train of thought is to maintain a constant position and add when the price dips to the lower price brackets to maximize potential of not missing out on large jumps that come with the extra volatility of crypto. Best of luck take profit when possible.
*For transparency i am confident in this i am holing roughly $10k. but this is crypto nothing is guaranteed take profits when possible and do not FOMO into this.


SHIB and Doge… bots are trading these 2 non-stop and obviously in-sync…

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Ok thank you for the info. I suppose that is exactly what I was asking. I am not expecting any crazy moves but I’d like to know the margins folks are playing in. I had no clue someone had 8k and went to a billion. Crypto is fascinating but I’ve stayed away from it personally. Thank you all for the insight


The rule of thumb for any gamble/initial investment is to only risk 1% (one percent) of your capital.
Anything above 5% is playing with fire.
So that dude who risked $8K? That’s most likely 1-5% of his capital.


Oh absolutely agree. Just sharing another wild crypto story. It’s why I’ve generally stayed away. It feels it is all FOMO to me. Having a community of folks that understand it a bit more helps. I’m at least not going ot ignore it any more.

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Coming back to this, a Robinhood listing is still rumor, but it’s seemingly not dying out. However, in the mean time, Kraken announced today (somewhat indirectly) that they’ll be listing SHIB tomorrow. Probably not quite as bullish as an RH listing, but it’s just added pressure and confirmation that the crypto market is rapidly adopting this coin.

Secondly, some “SHIBA” references were caught on a TSLA website which has fueled rumors that the coin will be included as a payment method there as well in the future.

My honest opinion on this at the moment is that sentiment is the building block of growth in this space, specifically the meme-coins. Companies want the attention that SHIB is getting and they’ll adopt it rapidly to cash in. I’m expecting the currently rumors to emerge as partial truth in the near future and I remain bullish on a potential Robinhood listing. I believe that the delay is less about regulation and more about engineering than they’re letting on.


Coinbase now makes SHIB even easier to trade for NY state.


I drew the new crossed (x) trend lines a day ago, and SHIB did trail to the other side…

Possible catalysts for next 2 weeks, which is also the next Fib Time Zone…

  • Bitcoin is currently on a bullish run tonight breaking past 67K, let’s see if SHIB will even react to that tomorrow.
  • Kraken is yet to announce SHIB listing, so is Robinhood (but there’s news that RH was allegedly hacked?)

RH did have a breach, so we’ll see how this plays out for them. I’d still be bullish on an announcement from them, but depending on how ramped up the news gets, it may not be as much of a boost as we’d hoped.

Robinhood has to expand there crypto space they are missing out on a huge opportunity to increase there user base and revenue!

In terms of long-term play, I think it is not possible that this crypto coin can rise all the way to $1, given the huge float it comes with?

I completely agree, but clearly someone over there is scared of something, or being told not to :man_shrugging:

Makes no sense to me, from a business perspective, to just sit and wait like they are doing now. Has to be something happening in the background we don’t know.


It is possible, would just take one of the scenarios I have mentioned. Either an intense burn of existing supply or a LONG time with current burn mechanics. Only time will tell :man_shrugging:

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Alert from the SHIB discord server:

This resulted to a brief high of 0.00005640, volume is moving again.