SPOT - Possible Puts Play From Cancel Spotify Trend

My feeling is, it’s looking like both sides of the controversy are choosing the tactic of pulling things off Spotify now. This is, imo, worst case scenario for Spotify vs. Just one side threatening it. There’s no real way, at this point, for them to stop this from spiraling into the viral abyss in the short term.

Wow, thank you all for your insights and perspectives. This is an interesting case, to say the least. This was my first attempt at a DD, ever, and I feel that I have an obligation to post an update to this play. Perhaps disappointingly though, the only update I have is that there is no update, at least as far as my personal position goes. I still have not gone in. Premiums are still too high for me to buy ATM/ITM puts, so I’m sitting tight. I think that there MAY be a long-term puts play here, but it’s still too risky for my own personal risk tolerance.

Regardless of this play, I appreciate this forum, and Valhalla as a whole, as a way to objectively discuss different trading ideas. Thank you all, again.


Looks like from numerous articles Spotify has made amends with Joe and is trying to play it as one of those learning moments.

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Not sure where to put this but Spotify just released its Car Thing.

The idea of a piece of equipment to play music in your car gives me flashes back to the Sirius XM days in the early 2000s. Not sure what to make of this. Puts feel like the move but not much conviction here from me at the moment.

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Puts on this Car Thing device.

You have to connect your phone to the Car Thing, and then connect the Car Thing to your car. From their website, Car Thing can connect to your car via AUX, USB, or Bluetooth. I’m assuming Bluetooth to your phone.

The only people I could see wanting this are 1) people without Bluetooth connectivity in their cars, who are likely just using AUX to connect their phone already, or 2) people with Bluetooth but without CarPlay or Android Auto and want a “smart” system to play their music. Regardless, I’d imagine the actual market for people willing to pay $90 for this and go through the process of setting it up is small.

Lastly, you need Spotify Premium. Personally, I have Premium, but most people I know who use Spotify don’t pay for Premium unless they’re getting a discount somehow.

This is likely a waste of cash for Spotify, and it’s not just a concept, it’s cash they’ve already spent on RnD, marketing, and production.