SPY & The Quad Witching (June 17th)

I just want to reiterate that tomorrow is very important for the direction of SPY for the rest of the week. Here’s the technicals that make me believe we have potential to go up…

  • You have RSI on daily and weekly near the bottom. The previous times we’ve seen this happen, we rallied the next day. This along with the recent gap downs could lead to a larger rally back to 400.
  • Depending on the OI volume of Quarterly puts across the indices and futures, there is a possibility that this can ‘squeeze’ out bear positions as people sell them before expirations.

The biggest factor though that we’re all waiting on is what the BPS hike will actually be. Although the technicals hint at a reversal, news is likely going to pick the direction we head. That said, it should still be safe to play said direction for longer than a day.

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Im unsure what will happen tomorrow, but its hard to ignore the bond markets batting average. My personal opinion is that the fed is in a lose/lose situation and will lose credibility either way. A surprise 75bps loses credibility but at least does more to fix the problem.

While a 50bps hike with a J Pow press conference telling the American people the same story “The economy is strong”, “higher wages” “the labor market suggests” “housing inventory” “we are leaving nothing off the table going forward” “we are going to continue to analyze”

Credibility is going to be lost. You can only be so hawkish after raising 50bps, too much and people wonder why you didnt do more.

Also worth mentioning the MOVE indicator or “vix” for credit markets has been hot lately, highest level since 09 passing the covid crash high of 2020 just today.

I have a few smaller positions on spy just in case something breaks, but will be mainly cash and scalping until press conference, Retail numbers in the morning however could change that.


Looking at CPI, most of what drove inflation was supply side. There is a case to be made that 50 is reasonable due to the Fed being able to do fuck-all when it comes to supply-side constraints and demand being destroyed already with inflation as is plus already relatively tightening financial conditions due to high rates.

I’m not going to be on much during FOMC tomorrow due to some personal stuff going on (everything is fine, just have an appointment I can’t move). These are the things I would be looking for when FOMC comes out tomorrow:

  1. 50 or 75 hike (obviously)

  2. Will we get a terminal rate forecast?

Futures are forecasting 4.00% by March 2023 to be terminal rate.

  1. Will Powell pull a Volcker and stop the forecasts all together (most likely not, they’ll prob start trying to be even more open than they are already about everything and being more hawkish than before)?

  2. Will there be a change in how Balance Sheet roll-off is done? We already got research from the Fed saying it doesn’t really make a difference if they ease into full cap monthly roll-offs or if the incrementally raise the caps:

  1. Will we get some sort of statement on the Fed Put?

  2. Will we get some sort of statement on credit markets? (No-bids on MBS, high yield spreads widening, etc.)

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JPM’s view on respective 50, 75 and 100bps scenarios… which aren’t exactly that intuitive lol


This pretty much answers my questions from last night about why 50 would be more bearish than 75. Thank you!


And here’s the latest SG options gamma chart.

All that put gamma sets us up for a rally. If FOMC pleases markets, rally might begin today. If FOMC makes markets unhappy we’ll dive into Friday, below the 3700 level. Which makes the post-weekend rally that much more potent.

Either way, expecting a rally; just a question of when, and from what level.

Took profit on all my positions at 383, right after the peak. Will be watching likely until EOD tomorrow, I wasn’t going to leave 50% on the table after THAT shit.

My opinion of tomorrow is we’re likely going to open lower, but continue to see bullish moves. Just a prediction, but I find it hard to see us being at a higher open as the Market digests everything that just occured.

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So, this will be my first quad witching. The quick rally we saw today during the speech, was that enough to lower the put gamma so that Friday won’t be as volatile? Based on what you saw today, what is your feel for the remainder of the week going into a 3-day weekend for the US.

Great question, let me take a stab at it specifically, and then share two videos from SpotGamma which go into the mechanics of options flows and how they affect markets.

Generally speaking, either one of two things happen when any event like the FOMC takes place - markets like what it hears and rallies, or doesn’t like what it hears and dives. What makes this obvious response interesting near an opex is two additional things come into play - volatility and gamma hedging.

Almost by definition, once the event is over and uncertainty is removed, vol goes down. So MMs need to hedge less. In a strong put environment, this means they need to reduce the amount of shorts they hold. Releasing shorts is a positive flow for the market, and so market should go up. And because we are in a negative gamma environment, MMs add to the movement in the same direction, so when it goes up, it should go up fast. (This is what happened in the last two quarterly expirations.)

In the FOMC press briefing, JPow didn’t say anything positive, but didn’t say anything too depressing either. He openly recognized more of the reality we are in, said he would do what he could, but noted that it was not all in the Fed’s control. Between the 75bps the market was accepting and a more realistic JPow, we would have expected the market to view this relatively positively to the extent that selling would not ensue. If selling did not ensue, the mechanics described above should have started some sort of a rally.

Markets sputtered up a bit, but I wouldn’t characterize what we saw as a rally - it felt rather weak and waffled around. Yet it did not dive either, which is what the other option was. Holding steady is usually not an option in these situations.

Right now, I feel like we should keep falling into Friday because of the overall worsening economic situation and all the put gamma that is pressing down on us. While we are above the SPX3700 level, the SPX4000 above us is very beefy indeed. Best I can think of is: All these negative gamma levels were too much to punch through for the volatility release that followed the not-too-negative FOMC presentation.

I do still think we’ll see a rally next week because then all this put gamma that behaves like an anchor is gone. I personally wouldn’t get calls now though, but consider them Tue AM. (Markets closed on Monday.) At the moment, holding puts into Friday.

Edit: @Yongsooyuk6 's analysis that arrives at a similar conclusion is here.

The actual experts will dissect this, just like they did for the March one which also surprised us, so will be keeping an eye out for that. Here are two videos from one of those folks - SpotGamma. The first is around the general mechanics of gamma hedging, and the second is specifically around this opex, released yesterday.


3.2 Trillion OpEx, this Friday?
How much was last month? Was it May 20?
'Cause that day moved like a hot sexy biotch–a 4.15% range.

If we somehow hit 385-390 tomorrow, Friday may pay multiple times in both directions.

*This post was made with some colorful language. Parental Guidance is fucking advised.


Quad witchings this year are:

March 18

June 17

September 16

December 16


yeah, but last month’s monthly also traded huge, iirc.
jekyll gave a podcast for it, can’t remember now.

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dayum. wafoynayn 3yon. so many bets.
I wonder if Friday will be a 5-6% ranger.
this is getting even more exciting.


For what it is worth, the put gamma levels have only gotten stronger overnight. Hard to see how we go anywhere but down. Especially after the housing data from today morning.


Entered 375s for July at the double bottom.

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Watching for VWAP test. Likely going to bounce back down. Going to add more if we break above.


Bounced below as expected. Call scalps might want to sell.

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Ended up unable to sell my position when I wanted to due to some IRL things, but honestly fine with that. I decided I’ll hold overnight with the assumption we could open higher (which isn’t recommended).

If you do end up playing any movement tomorrow on SPY, don’t hold over the weekend as that’s three days you’ll be locked into a position. Similar to Memorial Day, we saw Futures peak before tumbling down the next day. Not going to get into the same situation again.


Sold for considerably large profits at open. Thanks to everyone who followed me in and added to the topic. Odin is pleased. :hugs:

You’re likely to see a continued trend up, but the most profit you’ll get is at open today.