ABNB the Work From Anywhere Trend

Description of why you are requesting DD: < Hey all I wanted to start a discussion about Airbnb. I think it has potential to really rally. I apologize for not getting very in depth with this, I’ve only been in stocks for less than two months and I hope someone smarter than me might be able to add in.

  1. International travel is returning and Airbnb says they already saw a 44% increase of international bookings.

  2. WFH - more people than ever are interested in this lifestyle and Airbnb is seeing an increase in long term stays. Airbnb reported that 20% of their business is now long term stays of 28 days or more.

Airbnb is also releasing more features focusing on the WFH lifestyle such as verifying Wi-Fi speed.

  1. More people than ever are hosting and airbnb has come out with AirCover, a protection program that comes with $1 million in damage protection and $1 million in liability coverage, as well as income-loss and deep-cleaning protection. This protection plan is only increasing hosts trust. I have numerous friends who rent out airbnbs and they say that they are the best when it comes to any kind of reimbursement fees. Hassle free, quick no jumping through hoops.

  2. Airbnb has been extremely profitable for many hosts and I expect this trend to continue as more and more people are joining.

  3. Even with COVID airbnb is still able to operate with sanitizing practices.>

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Good DD, thanks! I like the idea especially with the travel ban being lifted.