Ad ASTRa - A rocket stock with serious upside (heh) potential both short and long term (HELP NEEDED FOR CHARTING)

Ticker: ASTR
Hello boys,

Rules for reading this

  1. This is my first DD, don’t take this as gospel
  2. I’m pretty retarded, don’t trust me
  3. It’s rocket science, see #2
  4. I don’t have a degree in anything, see #2
  5. I’m not very experienced in trading, don’t trust me

Part 1: Boring shit

Lets start with their business model. Astra wants to get to space the fastest and most affordable way. They use the smallest possible rocket made out of the cheapest materials, steel and aluminum. Despite the small size, their rocket can deliver 500 kilos of payload to low earth orbit (I will refer to this as LEO), under the power of five Delphin engines which each deliver 28kN of thrust. Astra plans for each individual launch to cost 1.5 million dollars. With 500 kilos of payload size, it rivals the RocketLab Electron and costs 5x less. It’s the best bang for your buck if you want to send something out there, and Astra plans to have 300 launches a year. Overall Serious potential for long term growth.

Part 2: Short term opportunities

ASTR has a upcoming launch window for their rocket LV0007 begins November 18th according to their twitter

Last time Astra tested a rocket it did not end so well. We saw the prototype sort of “Tokyo Drift” its way out of there. This was caused by one of the five Delphin engines failing just after ignition, which caused the rocket to briefly fall and then regain its balance. Thankfully, the thrust to weight ratio with four engines instead of five was still over 1:1, which made it possible to fly far enough to safely terminate the mission without destroying the Alaska launchpad.

It may have seemed like a failure, but it could be seen as a success. Many rocket companies see their rockets fail, even SpaceX’s Falcon 1 failed two times before leaving the atmosphere and staying there. The fact that Astra’s rocket regained control after the failure is a testament to how good their technology and software is. It’s very difficult to maneuver a rocket, and even harder when an engine has gone out. They have potential, and their next launch could possibly be a success. Their static fires of the engines have also gone well so far, so its very possible we do not see another major issue.

HOWEVER, rockets are “fuckey” by nature, we are penetrating the atmosphere and defying gravity under millions of pounds of thrust, while going fast as hell. I do not entirely think we will see a full success, but even a partial success could mean ASTR could rip.

Charting and TA: (this section will be bare bones because of rule #5)

The bulls have been taking the elevator up on ASTR in the past month, and its currently in a bull flag pattern

“Tokyo Drift” Launch in august of this year sent this thing up 20%

I wanted to get this quick DD out because the launch window is starting tomorrow. It’s not finished yet, I want to make a long term section, fix up my charts, add support/resistance, and just more TA in general. Please leave your feedback as it is much appreciated!


Great DD, everything looks spot on! Where did you get their anticipation of 300 launches per year? That’s alot and their really aren’t that many customers out there. GOV won’t even consider using them until they prove feasibility, rocket lab is another similar example that overcame that hurdle. 500kg payload is kind of small also so I’m just wondering who they expect their customers to be. Also do they have any launch locations other than Alaska? Important for different orbits.

Thank you for the time you put into this!

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Nice DD! I got into them early on and holding calls related to the upcoming launch. Got positions?

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Thank you for the DD. I am into this since last week. Picked up some cheap calls for NOV-19 expiration. Currently worthless but I will be lucky if the launch commences before EOD Friday and is a success. If not, I will be gambling a small amount on options again until the launch happens.

That initial drift due to asymmetric thrust on launch was a major one. Considering what happened after that (Past Max Q, 47Km Altitude etc.) was nothing short of genius. That failure was a demonstration of what their team is capable of. I think the next launch, whenever it happens, has a higher probability of success than failure 60/40.

If anyone wants to review the previous launch, I am linking the video below.

Astra rocket suffers anomaly during orbital launch attempt

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Sent this in trading floor a while ago, thought I’d add it here.
“ Im bullish for astra cuz of infra bill. Potential internet sattelites. They’ve been lobbying FCC to allow them to launch broadband sattelites, among other companies too.


Hello Rocket fans,
and :

the dip was 9.23 was a good entry.
Got 1000 shares at 9.40

Gl to all :wink:


Here we go!

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$12 minimum
$14 maximum

imo based on gap fills upon successful launch. We’ll see!

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Unfortunately launch was scrubbed today at the last few minutes. Astra will attempt another tomorrow at the same time. I expect a minor dump today before the launch like 11/18. Sorry to those who bought 11/19s, (me included) otms are theta fucked, itms could dump. Good luck and godspeed friends.



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Beautiful launch and ride into orbit. They were overly cautious with the delays last week and yesterday, but it paid off. Hopefully it shows their dedication to getting it done right and gives the market confidence :rocket:


Lv0007 has successfully reached orbit!

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ladies and gentlemen, we have reached orbit! absolutely stunning launch for Astra, and this is just the beginning. Hope we all eat come monday morning, peace out!


Congrats guys. Hope your positions print on this one.


Conq= Elon Musk?[](


Looks like we did it boys, sold my 15c for profit. I look forward to staying up for night launches with you guys again, onto the next play!

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Sold my 15 calls for a nice profit as well. Can’t wait for the next launch!

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got out with a nice profit as well and with the excitement of a backyard rocket launch going orbital. nice DD! TY!

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Looks like you were right, we went straight down the middle on this one. High of 13.50