Addressing holi's removal

Keep in mind, if this was any other member of the community doing a fraction of what Holi did then they would’ve been gone long ago.

While I wish him the best, hoping he comes back some day doesn’t benefit our community.

He was given enough chances and warnings and failed to do better. He’s also an extreme liability because of his ‘influencer’ status and has lost members in our server money (which happens to all of us, but his plays had little to no basis for reasoning outside of gambling). He is very close to the exact opposite of what Valhalla is striving to be.


that 7m had em feeling invincible, ya hate to see it.

Maybe a bit too transparent, I’m not sure we need to know all the intimate details.

I hope he comes back better.


Thank you for the transparency!! wow 7M is easy come easy go :frowning:

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Agreed, the transparency behind this community is what makes it so great. Appreciate the update and best of wishes to Holi. I think we all know how addictive the market can get, especially when you tilt towards revenge trading.


Holi did something amazing, but all coming from luck, timing, and confidence. With the help of this server, he was able to triple the profits he made on AMC from $2M to $7M. Though as already stated, he did not learn. He did not listen- for months.

I don’t want to speak any ill about him for the sake of keeping negativity out. It’s just a grim reminder that if you do come across life-changing money, do your very best not to lose it and never take the advice you get here for granted.

Appreciate everyone here. None of us want to see each other fail.



Thank you for the transparency, I never knew about any of this behind the scenes stuff.

He was always an easy going and cheerful person to talk to in VC and will be missed.


@Conqueror thanks for being transparent. Love the dude but over the past year, he’s been the epitome of what not to do when you’ve struck oil. I hope for his sake he learns from this and for ours that we learn to recognize these behaviors and remediate.


Sad to see him go but I had no idea about the back story. Holi was an “aggressive” trader from what I observed - high risk / high reward. I hope he can turn his fortunes around. Good luck all!

You may not of, however there are 1000 other people in the server, a good many of whom are friends with him.


Not too shocking. I was in VC that one day he was suspended from talking

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