AGC: DD Analysis [REQUEST]

Description of why you are requesting DD: <Would like extra pairs of eyes on the potential 4-plays for AGC>
Applicable links to news articles or Reddit analysis:

AGC squeeze - estimated 90% institutional ownership, with 87% long, leaving an 8 mil float with over now 19mil shorts, with 17million of those underwater currently. That’s over 200% SI. Volume could trigger, gamma squeeze will trigger, and because of the merger brokers may recall all shorts and margin call by a certain date before or immediately after the merger. Given the scale of this merger (largest in history) brokers will probably not allow shorts to hold through or very long after the merger. Too risky. This is a common practice by brokers during mergers, and all shorts are carried in a margin account so brokers can and will margin call.

AGC Gamma Squeeze - Option volume is going crazy, November 19th options could make a gamma squeeze. Add the shorts on that, this could be crazy.

Grab Squeeze - we know that most insiders will be locked, PIPE is locked for 3 FREAKING YEARS, institutions are long. If the merger happens before the 19th, the gamma squeeze is still on which could margin call any shorts.

Grab Fundamentals - People don’t even begin to understand this company. 1. Let’s talk UBER/DASH. This company is both of those but better, in emerging markets, less government oversight, and expanding in the US. 2. Shorts piled on thinking Asia would crack down on delta. Guess what? Grab is now delivering medication, vaccines, and people to get their vaccines. They are supplementing supply chains, grew their food delivery service. They killed Q2 & Q3. 3. Beyond growing, they are rocketing. New Health Insurance product offerings, getting bank approvals to become the next gen fintech company, and institutions are excited about it. Hence why we are looking at such a low float, and how the squeeze will carry on. We may see continued rise in stock price like TSLA, albeit not as high. 4. Valuation and proposed share count gives Grab a PT of $22-$52 a share. Meaning analyst/institutions see this going to at least $22 after merging (won’t be immediate). So even if they wiggled out of all the impending catalysts and rocket ships, fundamentally you double your money possibly before the year is up.

Worst case scenario, you’re up 100%.

Imagine BKKT but with a higher valuation. BKKT wasn’t a squeeze. It was news, option chain, short squeeze, and retail interest. All in one.

Grab is this and more.


Author’s original DD regarding AGC:


Damn… I just went from 6 to midnight reading this


There’s already an AGC thread and we’ve been in it so long most of us are reducing our positions lol.


Love this play I’m in for Jan calls and shares. Hopefully once we get merger news we finally get takeoff