$AI - General What the Hell is this DD

<@741367626588094495> here we go

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Basically refers to $AI as the GME of AI stocks

NOTE: 4Q23 Earnings call May 31, 2023 aka Wednesday at 5pm ET

IR press releases of interest (listed in newest to oldest order):

C3 Generative AI Now Publicly Available on Google Cloud Marketplace - C3.ai, Inc.

U.S. Air Force Designates C3 AI Predictive Maintenance Solution as System of Record - C3.ai, Inc.

C3 AI Expands Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to Deliver Enhanced AI Solutions - C3.ai, Inc.

C3 AI Announces Launch of C3 Generative AI Product Suite - C3.ai, Inc.


C3 AI – Baker Hughes Timeline - April 18

C3 AI provides over 40 turnkey Enterprise AI applications that meet the business-critical needs of global enterprises in manufacturing, financial services, government, utilities, oil and gas, chemicals, agribusiness, defense and intelligence, and more.

Companies they provide SaaS include:

  • Shell
  • USAF
  • Koch
  • conEdison
  • Baker Hughes (more info on this one in the link above)
  • US DOD
  • Georgia-Pacific
  • Raytheon Technologies
  • FIS
  • Cargill

    There are a ton of others where the names are not listed, like Global Fintech, Global Agribusiness Food Manufacturer, Banking, Heath Tech, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, Utilities, Electronics Manufacturer, Chemicals Manufacturer, etc.

    My sense is that they’re involved in a lot of different companies providing services to “put it all together” for people when it’s been siloed in different areas / software. To me, it sounds like it pulls a ton of info from different internal databases to put together a cohesive picture for the person asking a question. Please feel free to let me know if you think otherwise.

Sick appreciate the quick turn around. If anything else sticks out just toss it in here. Especially insightful analyst pieces or explanations on their products/tech so I can extrapolate off that. Also anyone is welcome to toss into this. I’ll make a finished version for the ER date so it’s the first post and is comprehensive. This is just think tank brain drain and info dump thread.

This gives a good breakdown of their products. https://thestrategystory.com/2023/02/23/what-does-c3-ai-do-business-model-explained/![image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1111729952715444235/1111768495605170227/pasted_image_0.png)

Sick thank you

Comparing to the pandemic era GME is not relevant because so many factors are different now - no stimi checks, less wfh, no more savings left for retail investors.

True but I think retail is still willing to risk their own money for the gains

I agree, just saying there definitely are a lot less active retail investors now compared to 2020-21. So many of my coworkers all of a sudden became stock traders/investors.

Supposedly retail investing set an all time high in Feb this year.

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It’s up 15% in PM right nowimage

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As we approach the actual earnings, something that is ok is to trim some of your position. It is up 30% today and that is often better than most earnings. They also added to the option chain to 50 and that will start to kill the play too as retail just jumps into the 50 strikes…something to consider.

if you aren’t trimming, you deserve a dunce cap. we’re playing the hype run up. if you want to hold some for earnings, go for it. but you better be taking profit on the way there.

Also bear in mind their product is barely interesting let alone groundbreaking

45 is a big resistance level for this to get over too. The best trades are the ones you get out of before they come crashing down. For those that entered late, always good to cover costs or trim some wins on plays like these. Watch volume as they have been increasing each day but as soon as volume starts to die I would get out.

IV both ways is absolutely retarted too so this is a very risky play now unless you have good entry already. Puts are over 300% even weeks out so don’t rec that either.

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$CRWD CrowdStrike Introduces Charlotte AI, Generative AI Security Analyst - CrowdStrike

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Not sure if this was added here but the original movement for AI i believe came with this preliminary results release back on May 15thimageimageimageimage
