AMAZN Wheel - Post Spilt - AMZN

Much like the Google Spilt / Wheel Idea

Amazon announced a 20-1 stock spilt along with a 10 billion share buyback

This creates an interesting Wheel Opportunity.

As of the close today, you would need - roughly $297,400.00 to run a wheel on Amazon
Based on the quote from CNBC you would be able to do so with around 13,900.00.

“Were the split to happen as of Wednesday’s close, the cost of each share would go from $2,785.58 to $139.28, and each existing holder would get 19 additional shares for every one they own.”

Now keep in mind the 10 billion share buyback is likely to make the stock run a bit, the spilt is intended to happen on June 3rd.

As it has been mentioned several times before the best Wheel is a stock you don’t mind owning long term, from my perspective AMZN fits this criteria.


@rexxxar - I think we can close this one

You got it!

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