AMC - Chart may be pointing to another big run soon?

Ticker: AMC
Description of why you are requesting DD: Similarities in various indicators points may be confirming a big run upwards.
Applicable links to news articles or Reddit analysis: 1) my chart image

  1. this twit echoes what I have in mind…

I hope so! I’ve read/watched a lot of analysis and YouTubers lately who all agree AMC is close to another run up. Most believe it’s based on the cyclical nature of the market and TA indicators, others seem like just pure hope, and then I believe other YT’ers were just towing the line.

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Sorry I just realized this was a DD request post.
I will say this guy Astro has quite a following. He’s not someone I watch often, but from what I understand, he’s nailed a few of AMC’s big moves. His overall method involves a deep studying of cycles and patterns in the stock.

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It would seem the AI bot on our server agrees a run up is coming in the coming month or so.

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I’m glad to hear that. Still waiting on a possible DD post to answer this request, or is your response the start of it? Thank you, either way.
Good to know I’m not the only one who see it on the chart and indicators. I didn’t mention any of the possible catalysts and market cycles, to give room for more of us to chime in.


Yesterday the bot called AMC puts for December at $30. Take it for what it’s worth, I’ve been in AMC since January but I’m trying the puts to see what happens.

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I’ve read this on r/shortsqueeze too, it could run up because of a cycle or even mob mentality. I’ll take a conservative call option soon, maybe 60c for December. It depends on OI and IV for me, I also want the Greeks to chill from last week.


I’ve been watching AMC as well and I’m seeing what could be the early stages of another run. I’ll be watching it closer in the coming weeks as earnings draw closer, earnings season has historically been the “real” catalyst for these runs and given the current setup, this one could be notable.


Based on that chart, 30 days from 10/17 is 11/16. And the price looks like it will steadily go up, I’m assuming getting the 11/19 60c now would make the most sense?


I would have to imagine they’ll be quite positive with the high sentiment AMC has garnered, the investor perks and most certainly with all the box office records they have been setting with the backlog of movies releasing including, notably Marvel and James Bond.


Especially if it tracks towards that $80 mark on the bot chart. A lot of the “TA on YouTube” have been hinting at targets of $100… but that’s from the echo chamber.


And sorry @rexxxar - I posted Bc I’m always happy with AMC chatter, but didn’t notice this was under DD Request. I’ll continue to dig a little deeper and report back.


Good to know Conq. You did mention in the old AMC thread that you’re still monitoring it, I remember. Let’s see how it moves.

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Interesting. I’ll check that bot. Back in June, I bought the PUT first, before jumping on the CALL.

All good Josh. The more eyes we have on each possible play, the better. Helps mitigate risk and control hopium.

Looking good I have been watching this closely as well

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Update on the Daily Candle chart:
It has crossed the 1st resistance on the projected Fib Extension for this zone,
4 green candles with sustaining volume since the bounce from 36,
MACD confirms continued upward momentum since golden cross,
RSI indicates this stock is not yet oversold,
Bollinger Bands shows a possible breakout or consolidation…


***Conqueror has a DD thread on AMC, please follow that instead:

Thanks for following this Request!

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Just finalizing my thought dumping here…once again, please follow Conqueror’s DD thread on AMC instead, linked on the post above this one.

AMC chart history, 1st Bullish Pennant of January to May 2021

So, let’s look at history (which doesn’t necessarily need to dictate the future)…
***April 27, 2021… AMC got rejected at 12.22 to 11.22, which was -8.18%, then bounced on hopium the next day.

  • It then continued going all the way down to a low of 8.93 on Earnings Report day, May 6, 2021. That’s a retracement of -26.92%.
    ***Notice, it broke through the “visible supporting trend line”, but bounced back from the projected median trend support (calculated by the lowest price since 1st momentum to the highest price).
  • 3 days later, it came close to entering that visible trend again, and 5 days later, it broke past it to a high of 14.20–this was when everyone started shouting Loudest.
  • June 19 had the highest Unusual Options activity, and June 2 was when it hit the new ATH of 72.62.
    ***Notice the marked Orange Spots on some of the indicators, they will be the reference to our the current pennant.

Now here we are at present, Oct 19, 2021…

***AMC got rejected at 44.44 to 40.74, which is -8.32%.
Let’s see how it does tomorrow.

  • I am paying attention to the Orange Spots on the indicators. And looking to see if the next couple of weeks will be a copy of the previous pennant leading to Earnings Report.

That’s it for my final update!
Thanks again for reading and let’s secure profits whichever way this goes.

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Great work! This is probably the dip that conq said he was expecting to $37, and the bot also called out puts. Now i wonder if I should get some 10/22s puts