AMD/XLNX merger options pricing

I know there is already an open topic for the merger discussion, however the discussion I’d like to initiate is different in its nature and I think it’s better in a seperate thread.

Last year holi opened a discussion about a potential arbitrage play for the merger as seen here:

Since then the price ratio of XLNX/AMD has mostly closed in near the merger exchange rate of 1.72 as seen here:

You can see on the chart that the current profit for holding XLNX shares through the merger is around 1.92%. This of course assumes the price stays the same until the currently unkown merger, which is unlikely. Buying XLNX shares right now is a cheaper way of getting AMD shares assuming the merger happens, as it will likely track AMD’s price movement, but it is hardly an arbitrage opportunity.

However to me there is a lot of uncertainty around the behavior of options and its pricing immediately before and after the merger and this is the topic I would like to dig deeper into.

Disclaimer: unless stated otherwise, calculations will be in a hypothetical scenario where we are immediately before merger, prices used are as per closing on Friday 28th January 2022. AMD: $105.24, XLNX: $177.95

Merger details

AMD expects to acquire XLNX in Q1 of 2022 in a stock-for-stock purchase based on the latest SEC filings. XLNX shareholders will receive 1.7234 shares of AMD for every share of XLNX owned.


This is a topic where I would like get opinions. The documents below provides the following information regarding options after the merger:

Xilinx, Inc. - Anticipated Adjustment
Option Symbol: XLNX

Option Symbol: XLNX changes to AMD1

Strike Divisor: 1
Contracts Multiplier: 1
New Multiplier: 100 (e.g., a premium of 1.50 yields $150; a strike of 120 yields $12,000.00)
New Deliverable Per Contract:

  1. 172 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) Common Shares
  2. Cash in lieu of 0.34 fractional AMD Common Shares

Until the cash in lieu amount is determined, the underlying price for AMD1 will be determined as follows:
AMD1 = 1.7234 (AMD)

SC1. My interpretation of this is the following:

Before merger:

Ticker: XLNX
Strike: $180
Expiry: 4th Feb 2022
Deliverable: 100 shares of XLNX

After Merger:

Ticker: AMD1
Strike: $180
Expiry: 4th Feb 2022
Deliverable: 172 shares of AMD and $35.7816 cash (0.34*$105.24 - closing price of AMD)

SC2. Others have different may have a different understanding as follows:

Before merger:

Ticker: XLNX
Strike: $180
Expiry: 4th Feb 2022
Deliverable: 100 shares of XLNX

After Merger:

Ticker: AMD1
Strike: $104.44 ($180/1.7234)
Expiry: 4th Feb 2022
Deliverable: 172 shares of AMD and $35.7816 cash (0.34*$105.24)

What has been messing with my brain here, is that assuming one of two above is true, there are opportunities for incredible r/r strategies either way, possibly even if we can’t be sure which one turns out to be correct.

Risk factors

  • After ticker change, liquidity will be most likely very poor for AMD1 options, with a possibility that you have to excersize them to realize profit.
  • The obvious possibility that my thinking is fundamentally flawed possibly in several steps.
    This is where I expect to receive critical feedback about my calculations and assumptions
  • Early assignment in case of strategies involving a short position


As I don’t want to assume that my understanding is correct of how the ticker change for options will be done, I will provide calculations for both scenarios.

As an example I will be using options expiring 4th February 2022.

The aim of the calculations is to estimate the P/L of different positions opened immediately before merger, holding through merger using closing prices from Friday 28th January 2022.

Consider AMD1 prices estimates because the options pricing is not calculated with exact attributes of the options, but rather they are priced based on AMD options prices of the same Strike and expiration where applicable, or looking for the closest available strike where necessary.


Call Options

Before Merger After Merger
Contract Name XLNX Strike XLNX Last Price XLNX Contract Price AMD1 Strike AMD1 Last Price AMD1 Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L
XLNX220204C00135000 135 $62.00 $6,200.00 135 $0.12 $21 $(6,179) -99.67%
XLNX220204C00140000 140 $59.70 $5,970.00 140 $0.10 $17 $(5,953) -99.71%
XLNX220204C00150000 150 $23.18 $2,318.00 150 $0.06 $10 $(2,308) -99.55%
XLNX220204C00160000 160 $18.30 $1,830.00 160 $0.03 $5 $(1,825) -99.72%
XLNX220204C00165000 165 $15.50 $1,550.00 165 $0.02 $3 $(1,547) -99.78%
XLNX220204C00170000 170 $8.33 $833.00 170 $0.02 $3 $(830) -99.59%
XLNX220204C00175000 175 $7.25 $725.00 175 $0.02 $3 $(722) -99.53%
XLNX220204C00180000 180 $5.85 $585.00 180 $0.01 $2 $(583) -99.71%
XLNX220204C00185000 185 $3.15 $315.00 185 $0.02 $3 $(312) -98.91%
XLNX220204C00190000 190 $3.27 $327.00 190 $0.02 $3 $(324) -98.95%
XLNX220204C00195000 195 $1.81 $181.00 195 $0.03 $5 $(176) -97.15%
XLNX220204C00200000 200 $1.45 $145.00 200 $0.01 $2 $(143) -98.81%
XLNX220204C00205000 205 $0.90 $90.00 205 $0.01 $2 $(88) -98.09%
XLNX220204C00210000 210 $0.57 $57.00 210 $0.01 $2 $(55) -96.98%
XLNX220204C00215000 215 $0.48 $48.00 215 $0.01 $2 $(46) -96.42%
XLNX220204C00220000 220 $0.29 $29.00 220 $0.04 $7 $(22) -76.28%
XLNX220204C00230000 230 $0.23 $23.00 230 $0.01 $2 $(21) -92.52%

Put Options

Before Merger After Merger
Contract Name XLNX Strike XLNX Last Price XLNX Contract Price AMD1 Strike AMD1 Last Price AMD1 Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L
XLNX220204P00095000 95 $0.10 $10.00 95 $1.44 $247 $237 2368.20%
XLNX220204P00135000 135 $0.80 $80.00 135 $29.98 $5,156 $5,076 6344.63%
XLNX220204P00140000 140 $0.22 $22.00 140 $35.00 $6,020 $5,998 27263.64%
XLNX220204P00145000 145 $1.75 $175.00 145 $40.00 $6,880 $6,705 3831.43%
XLNX220204P00150000 150 $1.12 $112.00 150 $45.03 $7,744 $7,632 6814.55%
XLNX220204P00155000 155 $1.55 $155.00 155 $49.90 $8,583 $8,428 5437.29%
XLNX220204P00160000 160 $2.39 $239.00 160 $54.90 $9,443 $9,204 3850.96%
XLNX220204P00165000 165 $4.80 $480.00 165 $59.85 $10,294 $9,814 2044.63%
XLNX220204P00170000 170 $5.30 $530.00 170 $65.15 $11,206 $10,676 2014.30%
XLNX220204P00175000 175 $7.00 $700.00 175 $69.75 $11,997 $11,297 1613.86%
XLNX220204P00180000 180 $11.80 $1,180.00 180 $74.83 $12,870 $11,690 990.67%
XLNX220204P00200000 200 $30.56 $3,056.00 200 $94.83 $16,310 $13,254 433.70%


For SC2 the pricing of options after merger is done 2 ways below. Strike price of XLNX is divided by 1.72, then to find pricing based on AMD options, the new strike is rounded to the nearest strike down, and seperately also up. This is not too accurate, but the actual price would be between these. These are just numbers to give an approx. illustration, if there is merit to any of the analyses, I can put time to get more accurate numbers.

Also for less liquid strikes, last price can be older and not representative of potential realistic fills, but since the spread for these was also wide, I left them with last price for now.

Call Options

Before Merger After Merger
Strikes rounded down Strikes rounded up
Contract Name XLNX Strike XLNX Last Price XLNX Contract Price AMD1 strike rounded down AMD1 Last Price AMD1 Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L AMD1 strike rounded up AMD1 Last Price AMD1 Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L
XLNX220204C00160000 160 $19.70 $1,970.00 90 $15.70 $2,700 $730 37.08% 95 $11.70 $2,012 $42 2.15%
XLNX220204C00165000 165 $15.75 $1,575.00 95 $11.70 $2,012 $437 27.77% 100 $8.08 $1,390 $(185) -11.76%
XLNX220204C00170000 170 $12.78 $1,277.50 95 $11.70 $2,012 $735 57.53% 100 $8.08 $1,390 $112 8.79%
XLNX220204C00175000 175 $9.18 $917.50 100 $8.08 $1,390 $472 51.47% 105 $5.08 $874 $(44) -4.77%
XLNX220204C00177500 177.5 $6.69 $669.00 100 $8.08 $1,390 $721 107.74% 105 $5.08 $874 $205 30.61%
XLNX220204C00180000 180 $6.65 $665.00 100 $8.08 $1,390 $725 108.99% 105 $5.08 $874 $209 31.39%
XLNX220204C00185000 185 $4.50 $450.00 105 $5.08 $874 $424 94.17% 110 $2.88 $495 $45 10.08%
XLNX220204C00190000 190 $3.33 $332.50 110 $2.88 $495 $163 48.98% 115 $1.52 $261 $(71) -21.37%
XLNX220204C00195000 195 $1.86 $185.50 110 $2.88 $495 $310 167.04% 115 $1.52 $261 $76 40.94%
XLNX220204C00197500 197.5 $1.37 $137.00 110 $2.88 $495 $358 261.58% 115 $1.52 $261 $124 90.83%
XLNX220204C00200000 200 $1.41 $141.00 115 $1.52 $261 $120 85.42% 120 $0.76 $131 $(10) -7.29%
XLNX220204C00202500 202.5 $0.83 $83.00 115 $1.52 $261 $178 214.99% 120 $0.76 $131 $48 57.49%
XLNX220204C00205000 205 $0.89 $89.00 115 $1.52 $261 $172 193.75% 120 $0.76 $131 $42 46.88%
XLNX220204C00210000 210 $0.64 $63.50 120 $0.76 $131 $67 105.86% 125 $0.40 $69 $5 8.35%
XLNX220204C00212500 212.5 $0.47 $47.00 120 $0.76 $131 $84 178.13% 125 $0.40 $69 $22 46.38%
XLNX220204C00215000 215 $0.29 $28.50 125 $0.40 $69 $40 141.40% 125 $0.40 $69 $40 141.40%
XLNX220204C00217500 217.5 $0.33 $33.00 125 $0.40 $69 $36 108.48% 130 $0.23 $40 $7 19.88%
XLNX220204C00220000 220 $0.25 $25.00 125 $0.40 $69 $44 175.20% 130 $0.23 $40 $15 58.24%
XLNX220204C00225000 225 $0.20 $20.00 130 $0.23 $40 $20 97.80% 135 $0.12 $21 $1 3.20%
XLNX220204C00230000 230 $0.12 $12.00 130 $0.23 $40 $28 229.67% 135 $0.12 $21 $9 72.00%
XLNX220204C00235000 235 $0.31 $31.00 135 $0.12 $21 $(10) -33.42% 140 $0.10 $17 $(14) -44.52%
XLNX220204C00240000 240 $0.10 $10.00 135 $0.12 $21 $11 106.40% 140 $0.10 $17 $7 72.00%
XLNX220204C00245000 245 $0.98 $98.00 140 $0.10 $17 $(81) -82.45% 145 $0.07 $12 $(86) -87.71%
XLNX220204C00255000 255 $1.00 $100.00 145 $0.07 $12 $(88) -87.96% 150 $0.06 $10 $(90) -89.68%
XLNX220204C00260000 260 $0.40 $40.00 150 $0.06 $10 $(30) -74.20% 155 $0.04 $7 $(33) -82.80%
XLNX220204C00265000 265 $0.08 $8.00 150 $0.06 $10 $2 29.00% 155 $0.04 $7 $(1) -14.00%
XLNX220204C00270000 270 $0.05 $5.00 155 $0.04 $7 $2 37.60% 160 $0.03 $5 $0 3.20%
XLNX220204C00280000 280 $0.05 $5.00 160 $0.03 $5 $0 3.20% 165 $0.02 $3 $(2) -31.20%

Put Options

Before Merger After Merger
Strikes rounded down Strikes rounded up
Contract Name XLNX Strike XLNX Last Price XLNX Contract Price AMD1 strike rounded down AMD1 Last Price AMD1 Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L AMD1 strike rounded up AMD1 Last Price AMD1 Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L
XLNX220204P00150000 150 $1.12 $112.00 85 $0.35 $59 $(53) -47.02% 90 $0.72 $123 $11 9.80%
XLNX220204P00155000 155 $1.55 $155.00 90 $0.72 $123 $(32) -20.66% 95 $1.44 $247 $92 59.24%
XLNX220204P00160000 160 $2.39 $239.00 90 $0.72 $123 $(116) -48.54% 95 $1.44 $247 $8 3.27%
XLNX220204P00165000 165 $4.80 $480.00 95 $1.44 $247 $(233) -48.58% 100 $2.75 $473 $(7) -1.46%
XLNX220204P00167500 167.5 $5.56 $556.00 95 $1.44 $247 $(309) -55.61% 100 $2.75 $473 $(83) -14.93%
XLNX220204P00170000 170 $5.30 $530.00 95 $1.44 $247 $(283) -53.43% 100 $2.75 $473 $(57) -10.75%
XLNX220204P00175000 175 $7.00 $700.00 100 $2.75 $473 $(227) -32.43% 105 $4.75 $817 $117 16.71%
XLNX220204P00177500 177.5 $11.75 $1,175.00 100 $2.75 $473 $(702) -59.74% 105 $4.75 $817 $(358) -30.47%
XLNX220204P00180000 180 $11.80 $1,180.00 100 $2.75 $473 $(707) -59.92% 105 $4.75 $817 $(363) -30.76%
XLNX220204P00182500 182.5 $14.90 $1,490.00 105 $4.75 $817 $(673) -45.17% 110 $8.23 $1,415 $(75) -5.05%
XLNX220204P00185000 185 $17.55 $1,755.00 105 $4.75 $817 $(938) -53.45% 110 $8.23 $1,415 $(340) -19.39%
XLNX220204P00187500 187.5 $16.65 $1,665.00 105 $4.75 $817 $(848) -50.93% 110 $8.23 $1,415 $(250) -15.03%
XLNX220204P00190000 190 $17.40 $1,740.00 110 $8.23 $1,415 $(325) -18.70% 115 $11.25 $1,935 $195 11.21%
XLNX220204P00192500 192.5 $18.65 $1,865.00 110 $8.23 $1,415 $(450) -24.14% 115 $11.25 $1,935 $70 3.75%
XLNX220204P00195000 195 $21.27 $2,127.00 110 $8.23 $1,415 $(712) -33.49% 115 $11.25 $1,935 $(192) -9.03%
XLNX220204P00200000 200 $30.56 $3,056.00 115 $11.25 $1,935 $(1,121) -36.68% 120 $15.85 $2,726 $(330) -10.79%
XLNX220204P00205000 205 $30.05 $3,005.00 115 $11.25 $1,935 $(1,070) -35.61% 120 $15.85 $2,726 $(279) -9.28%
XLNX220204P00210000 210 $34.10 $3,410.00 120 $15.85 $2,726 $(684) -20.05% 125 $20.08 $3,453 $43 1.26%
XLNX220204P00220000 220 $44.65 $4,465.00 125 $20.08 $3,453 $(1,012) -22.67% 130 $24.78 $4,261 $(204) -4.56%
XLNX220204P00235000 235 $58.80 $5,880.00 135 $29.98 $5,156 $(724) -12.32% 140 $35.00 $6,020 $140 2.38%
XLNX220204P00255000 255 $56.50 $5,650.00 145 $40.00 $6,880 $1,230 21.77% 150 $45.03 $7,744 $2,094 37.07%


Based on the profit possibilities above, it would be intuitive to assume that SC2 is more likely to happen, because SC 1 would just give insane returns, however based on the document linked earlier, I’m still not convinced. Even is SC2 is correct, as you can see there are opportunities for large gains, assuming my calcs are correct.

For a better visual (but more limited due to strike limitations), here is a table showing the possible outcomes if you buy an options:

Call Options

Before Merger After Merger
Strikes rounded down Strikes rounded up
Contract Name XLNX Strike XLNX Last Price XLNX Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L
XLNX220204C00160000 160 $18.30 $1,830.00 $(1,825) -99.72% $730 37.08% $42 2.15%
XLNX220204C00165000 165 $15.50 $1,550.00 $(1,547) -99.78% $437 27.77% $(185) -11.76%
XLNX220204C00170000 170 $8.33 $833.00 $(830) -99.59% $735 57.53% $112 8.79%
XLNX220204C00175000 175 $7.25 $725.00 $(722) -99.53% $472 51.47% $(44) -4.77%
XLNX220204C00180000 180 $5.85 $585.00 $(583) -99.71% $725 108.99% $209 31.39%
XLNX220204C00185000 185 $3.15 $315.00 $(312) -98.91% $424 94.17% $45 10.08%
XLNX220204C00190000 190 $3.27 $327.00 $(324) -98.95% $163 48.98% $(71) -21.37%
XLNX220204C00195000 195 $1.81 $181.00 $(176) -97.15% $310 167.04% $76 40.94%
XLNX220204C00200000 200 $1.45 $145.00 $(143) -98.81% $120 85.42% $(10) -7.29%
XLNX220204C00205000 205 $0.90 $90.00 $(88) -98.09% $172 193.75% $42 46.88%
XLNX220204C00210000 210 $0.57 $57.00 $(55) -96.98% $67 105.86% $5 8.35%
XLNX220204C00215000 215 $0.48 $48.00 $(46) -96.42% $40 141.40% $40 141.40%
XLNX220204C00220000 220 $0.29 $29.00 $(22) -76.28% $44 175.20% $15 58.24%
XLNX220204C00230000 230 $0.23 $23.00 $(21) -92.52% $28 229.67% $9 72.00%

Put Options

Before Merger After Merger
Strikes rounded down Strikes rounded up
Contract Name XLNX Strike XLNX Last Price XLNX Contract Price Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L Long Position P/L % Long Position P/L
XLNX220204P00150000 150 $1.12 $112.00 $7,632 6814.55% $(53) -47.02% $11 9.80%
XLNX220204P00155000 155 $1.55 $155.00 $8,428 5437.29% $(32) -20.66% $92 59.24%
XLNX220204P00160000 160 $2.39 $239.00 $9,204 3850.96% $(116) -48.54% $8 3.27%
XLNX220204P00165000 165 $4.80 $480.00 $9,814 2044.63% $(233) -48.58% $(7) -1.46%
XLNX220204P00170000 170 $5.30 $530.00 $10,676 2014.30% $(283) -53.43% $(57) -10.75%
XLNX220204P00175000 175 $7.00 $700.00 $11,297 1613.86% $(227) -32.43% $117 16.71%
XLNX220204P00180000 180 $11.80 $1,180.00 $11,690 990.67% $(707) -59.92% $(363) -30.76%
XLNX220204P00200000 200 $30.56 $3,056.00 $13,254 433.70% $(1,121) -36.68% $(330) -10.79%


All of the above is based on the assumption that options pricing would be similar before the actual merger, which i believe is flawed, but given the actual merger, the same calculations can be done, to see feasibility. With the thought of the pricing before merger being different than usual, I believe there is also a possibility of a different play here, similar to pre-earnings IV expansion plays.

I would expect that days before the closing of the merger, XLNX options prices should start diverging from a usual options pricing, somewhat being affected by the expected value of the options after merger, which could be taken advantage of given proper calculations beforehand.

I have some ideas about this and will put some effort into thinking it through, and I will update the post if there is anything meaningful.

I also fully expect that there is some glaring mistake in my thought process, or I am overlooking something. If that’s the case, please be gentle :slight_smile: