AMR, BTU coal industry earnings plays

Just starting this as maybe someone smarter than me can look into the potential plays. I have read that several European nations have considered reopening coal fired power plants with the lack of gas they are experiencing.

Things I do know is that every coal mines in my area is paying more than they did a year ago, begging people to come to work and working every Saturday (that’s usually the spot market is paying high so they try to make profit by working that day to sale on the open market).

Going to try and look into what the current spot market is paying for bit and met grade coal. Other than these ideas not sure where to look.


Did a quick glance at AMR. Would need to look into the industry itself since im not familiar and Id assume they could be exposed to any new “green” energy legislation. I also would want to look at their the relationship with the steel industry and what long term cycles look like historically. Its a pretty low volume ticker with limited oi on the chain and it already has seen very strong growth the last few years. With that said, Im drooling over their financials. 2.18 PE ratio, nearly debt free with strong free cash flow.

Im throwing them on the watchlist and at the very least will be keep an eye on them for their upcoming ER on Nov 7th. Might also make sense to go back and listen to their last earnings call to get some insight on their business. Thanks for posting, will report back with any additional thoughts.

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