Announcing... another Chat?

Discourse has recently released a PRE-ALPHA (whatever that means, sounds dope though) Chat plugin. What I’m pumped about is that it gives a way to discuss plays that allows users to move their messages to a thread easily. What I’m currently envisioning for the usage is legitimately for strict DD conversation, whereas Discord is more casual.

Chat is currently enabled on the #analysis-due-diligence category and can be opened by clicking the “Open Chat” button on the main category page:

This plugin is still being tested, so it likely doesn’t work 100% across all devices, etc. But I figured we’d give it a spin ourselves that way it’s worked in when it makes it eventual real debut.

When chatting, if you’d like to move a message to a thread you highlight the message and select the “Move to Topic” button and confirm by clicking the blue “Move to Topic” button that appears:

Then you’re given several options on where to move the message to:

This looks to be Discourse’s attempt to take a run at Discord and Slack so I’m hopeful that when it’s fully fleshed out, it may serve as a replacement for Discord in the future (especially since it’s Open Source and therefore expandable by our team of talented @Architects)

Good luck this week, more coming very soon.


epic. maybe this could be the return of spy chat that we all were longing for? looking forward to see how its used.


Absolutely could be.

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Adding to this, chats can also be enabled for specific threads, for instance I’ve enabled it for the Earnings Brainstorm thread:

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There are notifications, they just aren’t enabled by default.