Announcing new rules for current and aspiring influencers

We have a growing number of members looking to branch out and gain followings or that are taking on trading related projects outside of our community. We also have some members with established followings already who are a part of the community.

In order to ensure that the relationships we have with these members are mutually beneficial we feel the need to implement the following rules:

  1. All DD and analysis used outside of our community needs to be attributed to Valhalla. “This due diligence was done by Valhalla”, “This play comes from Valhalla”, etc, etc. with a link to either the forum, our subreddit or our Twitter depending on the platform being used.
  2. Absolutely no poaching of our membership will be allowed. If members organically find your profiles and follow you, that’s fine. However if you’re excessively self-promoting you’ll be removed.
  3. Your contributions should be focused within the community itself. If it’s found that you’re making the majority of your contributions to our community via external sources, you’ll be removed. We’ve set up a solid framework with the discord and forum to serve most needs and they should be used whenever possible.
  4. Influencers are discouraged from “taking ownership” of plays. If your efforts are leading people inside or outside of our community to believe that you are the “originator” of a certain play (when you aren’t), it’s up to you to make sure that you’re properly crediting the community for it’s work.

The simplest way to sum up our view is that Valhalla is a “team”. We are in this together and we need to make sure we’re giving back to the team that got us where we are, not harvesting the work of many for our singular benefit.