Announcing the "Pumps" category

Given the high amount of activity from our more mentally deficient “influencers” lately. I’ve seen fit to create a “Pumps” category to properly notate plays that are being pushed by these individuals.

I’d like to create a “master list” of pumpers so we can develop a greater understanding of the setups each one looks for and how to properly play those setups should someone choose to. The list as of now is:

Pumping Influencers

  1. caddude42069
  2. BoredBillionaire
  4. repos39
  5. Zack Morris
  6. LadeBackk -
  7. PJ_Matlock -
  8. ripster47 -
  9. Ropirito

Legitimate Influencers

  1. Joeskunk
  2. Undercover_in_SF
  3. pennyether

Feel free to contribute to the list within this thread, a final list will be posted in the Pumps category when finalized. To clarify, posting plays from these people is still permitted and encouraged.


zack morris


Lol, how could I forget our boy ZM

4 Likes - Zack Morris penny stock buddy - another founder of Atlas - another founder of Atlas

would be nice to collect whatever way people follow the pumpers as well, ex. links to their Twitter, Reddit, Discord server, etc.

the best ones usually have a good following on 2 or 3 social media platforms, without that it’s hard to get a critical mass of buying action across several days even on a low float

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Interesting list.

Might also be worth putting in there caddude is the creator of r/squeezeplays. Most of the stuff on there is P&Ds

Should JoeSkunk be blacklisted now that he was !eliminated from the Discord?


I go back and forth on JoeSkunk. I want to be as objective as possible. While he was removed from the community because of his connections to the other pumpers, I do still think he attempts to be a legitimate analyst.

So at this point, he’s still legit listed. (I’ve changed the wording from Blacklist and Whitelisted to a Pumpers / Legitimate scheme)

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Thanks for this…several of those I wasn’t familiar with, so good to know