AtlasOne Trading Journal

You have to start somewhere…

I will start recording my trades and thoughts on Monday. I currently only have one open position, a lonely OZON put. No idea what the market will hold next week, but ready to make some gains as a community.


Today was interesting. My play of choice was PANW. I had been watching all last week, but didn’t play as I was also nervous of a market rug pull after the initial rally. However, I saw the value in PANW. Good earnings, a good investment outside of war, and a great investment in a war with cyber attack crazy Russia.

The main mistake I made was bad entry (my usual). I emotionally traded and my entry into my calls were trash. I followed along as PANW had higher lows as SPY fluctuated so was still confident in the play. I held over night which I most likely wouldn’t have done had I waited for a better entry, but I think as long as Putin doesn’t go full throttle before market open I should be ok.

We’ll see in the morning!

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Today was a good day…

I had PANW calls that I had held overnight. I liked my thesis on the play and if I had had a better entry I would have been way more green on them. I also realized that I should have averaged down after my crappy entry. I’m still not use to remembering how helpful that can be when the opportunity presents itself. Stock did sell off towards end of day. I will be keeping on my watchlist.

I also played TSLA puts today. A quick gamble (as always). I made profit, not max but solid enough.

My current positions are 10 X RSX 9 Puts, 1 OZON Put, and 5 x 40 AFRM Puts (I didn’t mean to hold these, forgot I bought them).

Up + $4,083 for the day.
*Not sure how to post pics on my phone.

I can’t really remember what I did today. I sold RSX at open (9 Puts), bought and sold SNOW (285 Calls)…oh shit that’s right and sold AFRM (40 Puts) for a slight loss only to see them go beautifully green. Follow your convictions in plays…

Up +$1678 for the day, eyeing my bread and butter SHOP for tomorrow. Plus obviously a basket of RSX puts.

*How do you add pics on here from your phone? I’ve clicked every button…

This is how you upload the pic from your phone. Where I circled it.