BBBY sympathy should GME/AMC continue to run

Contemplating playing BBBY if GME/AMCs run continues. Options are slightly cheaper than AMC and, this is solely based on the June runs, it could move just as drastically. That is if GME/AMC continue the upward trend tomorrow

Anyone else have any thoughts on this.

I do agree that BBBY should run with these meme stocks. Some of the other tickers to keep in mind which ran with GME/AMX include RKT, CLOV, KSS (no options, if I recall), & EXPR. Fan of CLOV since it’s been beaten down so much the past several months. No positions unfortunately.

Others that ran on GME original run were: BB, NOK, and PLTR

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Going back to what RH was increasing margin requirements on, that you have not mentioned already: $AAL, $CTRM, $KOSS, $NAKD, $SNDL, $TR, and $TRVG

There has been millions in accumulation on BBBY LEAPS since the beginning of the month, so someone was planning for either big news on BBBY, and/or squeezes incoming. I had been waiting to see buying for short term expiry calls, not just LEAPS, and today saw April and May calls, so I’ve picked up a few May calls (30 strike). This should cover the upcoming earnings, as well as continued momentum on the meme stocks. If there is a pullback on technical levels, over the next few days for a retest of resistance which just broke, I would be interested in adding additional 60-90 DTE calls.


Shorts are currently nearly 40% underwater too although we might have seen a small amount of covering yesterday.

Ryan Cohen has also been buying 60-80 strike calls in BBBY for January.

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Sir, this is a wendys.