BBIG The Next BBIG Thing… Or A BBIG Flop…

(You guys wanna see a dead body* points at BBIG...)

> ~You will see common patterns with Echo Chamber Dates and Further Dilution..

First date I remember people were chasing was in March at the same time over 9,000,000 Shares @ $ 6.62, later in July 22, 2021 Warrants for the Purchase of up to 2,615,804 shares at an exercise price of $2.655 per share, then a new date for September came out ( This was the first time I reported Bullshit on BBIG… Sept. 15 marked the proxy record date for shareholders needing to own BBIG shares in order to receive shares of spinoff Cryptyde . What a fucking joke… Cryptyde is expected to go public later on with ticker TYDE in the form of a dividend. And it looks like the same people that had parachutes are making a Rendezvous for the next Pump and Dump off Cryptyde.) at the same time Warrants for the Purchase of up to 1,600,000 shares at an exercise price of $9.00 per share that’s well over 49M$ worth of dilution that’s set for Nov 9th-5th and October 26th. Also the prices for the Warrants and Shares being exercised are the max price, they never sell for max price… The lowest is Sub Penny for all of those shares… They have been shorting themselves since 9$… Honestly just look into the Form Of Employment Agreement if you don’t read Kickback’s then your blind… Anyways there’s more to it… But you get the idea… This is literally the best setup Ive seen for Retail Bears in a long time…

If anything that’s going to either act as a permanent support or it can be used to continuously walk her down to the 4’s from recent swings… There were 55,226,907 Shares of Common Stock that was once non-market shares, which represent 56.8% all owned by the Board… But, wait there’s more… I dare you to read the SEC filings… Specifically the ones they were late on… The Chairman gave himself a parachute, ‘The Company’ is in his best interests, they will continue to dump…

Said part is they also don’t want the pumps to stop… They have new scapegoats in place… There are more than enough bearish setups for this position play… But, I could be wrong…

Lets break down into why BBIG is a Tik Tok Flop… By the way there is no lockup period for the insiders… There is no rubber-stamp on those 4th grader SEC filings… I dare you to read the SEC filing about “The Company” voting in Lisa King serving as its new CEO and president beginning Oct. 25. She comes to the company with over 25 years of experience in marketing and branding. Wow, Right before the Dumping on the 26th… Sounds like a scapegoat… Or how about even closer dates that match… “The Company” also announced Stephen Garrow as its chief operating officer, effective Oct. 25 and Philip Jones was named new CFO beginning Nov. 4. Damn pretty close to the Echo Chamber Dates and those so called buy the dip moments…


/s/ Christopher B. Ferguson
  	Name: 	 Christopher B. Ferguson
  	Title: 	 Chief Executive Officer
> ~On Oct 18th he passed everything himself and voted with a controlling factor... I'm pretty sure he knew...

BlackRock and Vangaurd have Puts… They don’t care about the Valuation of BBIG or any of its accusation… They want a higher price so they can short it… They did it with SPRT… It was the main reason why I was short SPRT after the Run Up… Saw those big boys double down was a green-light for me… Anyways, chasers have been chasing this news about Blackrock, Accel Partners, NEA, Sequoia, Bessemer Ventures proposes a $100/share offer to take BBIG private in Q1 2022. Offer is increased to $133/share, again at $149/share and voted down because of positive guidance on last CC and very bright future ahead for LoMo & mutual synergies from BBIG’s 2 recent acquisitions. I’m pretty sure its for an Ace up the sleeve… They said the same shit for the GREE/SPRT merger… Little does retail know they are all short and have Puts…

So why is this company at least 1% a scam… Well, their primary source of cash is from exercise of warrants ($180 million so far… I fucking dare you to look into it… They want 5B and down).

As retail investors chased this as a meme gamma squeeze (possible short squeeze), the holders of the warrants exercised them and sold the redeemed shares to retail investors.

Regarding the spinoff of the TYDE subsidiaries, they have a strange setup where the record date is Oct 22-25th but the new shares won’t be distributed until Nov 5-Dec 22 or thereabout.

This will create chaos because BBIG will start trading ex dividend on October 25. Because they have provided no substantive information about what will be spun off in the subsidiary, this will create enormous uncertainty for the market.

In terms of the executive changes, the CEO and 4 directors are gone and the CFO is moving to a different subsidiary. The CEO exit is a surprise but the other changes were voted on at the last shareholder meeting that was attended by 30 people.

These are not positive or neutral developments. Someone big processed this information when the SEC filings were made after trading hours and then swept all the bids which is why the stock price fell so much after hours.

~Do your own research, but this is not a buy the dip situation in my opinion.

Also if your bullish then check this Hot Garbage out…!

This shit wont age well for that 777GrandMaster guy on Reddit....\

Update10/20/2021: BBIG’s value, spinoff dividend shares of Cryptyde, and 2 MB$ income streams remain solid at a rock, despite all false rumors/headlines from SS to the contrary. Recommendation - Study DD below and buy the fear for sky-high ROI! All SS must buy to cover to take profits.

I can testify that HQ low float, highly shorted stocks with catalysts are one of the most lucrative investment/swing trading opportunities available. Look at this updated low, low 90.45M float per the WSJ: (best source for current float & info, do subscribe). Many SS have an obsessive-compulsive all or nothing gambling attitude when they are down, so don’t expect them to give up easily.

Nonetheless, common sense and prudent risk management dictates that evil SS must be out on all those “on or about” (10/18–10/24) dates to avoid the risk being compelled to pay for spinoff dividend shares of TYDE , which will directly benefit BBIG shareholders. That’s an especially bitter pill to swallow for SS now because BBIG is already mispriced/oversold vs. a legit $5.0B valuation, is trending up, has the wind at her back & TA is very bullish, so frankly the typical ex dividend day dip will be brief/viewed as a welcome buying opportunity by BBIG investors aka the BBIG UnstoppaBulls . The last thing SS need is additional risk, a higher margin rate and an even more unfavorable risk-reward ratio.

Even if evil SS were okay with paying for those expensive spinoff dividend shares of TYDE, the risk for margin calls/forced liquidations is great since so many shares will be purchased from ITM call options being exercised this week (many expire Friday), BBIG retail investors will not sell cheap, Analysts should be finally ready to embrace BBIG with buy/strong buy ratings, and veteran BBIG leadership knows how to release strategic PRs for max SS pain (think AdRizer Acquisition PR). Further, the market has not corrected BBIG’s mispricing yet, so shares are still undervalued at $8.23 vs. $5.0B valuation (since then BBIG has acquired AdRizer to unlock MB$ rev from LoMo) for $108M. Perhaps shareholders will receive a crypto dividend?

Did I mention the BBIG shareholders have a mighty social media army supporting it on YouTube, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, StockTwits, Investing dot com, Discord etc.? Were you aware of Tik Tok’s latest sales revenues? Well, sector-specific 800-pound gorillas do have a history of surrendering to more innovative competitors. Wasn’t Blockbuster toppled by Netflix? Wasn’t MySpace eclipsed by Facebook? Wasn’t Monster & CareerBuilder dot com eclipsed by LinkedIn? Wasn’t AOL & Yahoo! Search replaced by Google Search? Wasn’t Ebay toppled by Amazon? Hold for the gold and accumulate BBIG because Lomotif is a real game-changer for sure. 8v) Download it and rate it 5 stars!

Are you aware that BBIG has support from at least 3 mega trends? The worldwide transition to mobile Internet devices & constant connectivity via 5G smartphones, the move to video social media posts/influencer posts and the empowerment of ordinary people/teens to record and edit videos for entertainment, social media, YouTube & influencing/marketing via user-friendly LoMotif aka LoMo (previously recording & editing video was intimidating and expensive to delegate, but not any more).

EVERY INVESTMENT HAS DOWNSIDE RISKS: Warrants will be exercised a bit at a time not all at once. BBIG’s CEO has stated there will be no more new share offerings. The positive side of the warrants is BBIG will have $491.5M in cash for what is does best, which improves BBIG’s outcomes and attracts more investors. Any way you slice it this is a good thing. A SS attack could persist. That could be, however SS are always looking for the greenest grass (highest ROI), BBIG isn’t it as it has too many major catalysts going forward. Yes, the markets could turn red for 3 months with rising interest rates in an extended correction. If so, that’s an environment that enables BBIG’s business model of strategic acquisitions (buy, innovate & grow). Most shareholders will hold firm because BBIG’s future is so bright long-term. Note: currently BBIG has only 15 employees, rapid revenue growth and no debt, so, if necessary, they will weather a storm better than most companies. As usual, the Sun also rises.

CORRECT SPINOFF DIVIDEND SHARE ELIGIBILITY DETAILS: Record date per BBIG leadership is Oct. 22, but they used “on or about” language so that adds 2 days either way, so we’re at Oct. 20 now + T+2 settlement rule to officially be in BBIG’s books in time for Record date = Oct. 18 – Oct. 22. I highly recommend investing on Oct. 18th to be assured of your TYDE shares (solid gold, 4 blockchain business lines, Kong, Ocuverse, E-NFT (Wow), Volmax + Ferguson Container biz will likely triple in price in 12-18 months, bitcoin mining has 90% margins per CNBC!).

TWO UNMISTAKABLY BULLISH TELLS: The Fact that Vinco Ventures (BBIG) had monster 140M volume on Oct. 15th Friday is extremely encouraging! It’s a key tell that FOMO is back and there’s a huge move up coming next week (Oct. 18-22). Further we had 5 out of 5 green candlesticks last week in a bullish trend reversal despite massive SS volume. This is before evil SS will be forced to buy to cover. Many evil SS will then choose to go long to maximize profits. BBIG’s weekly chart confirms this with a massive green bullish overwhelming candlestick. Odds are good we will see a gap up in BBIG on Monday a.m.

The 2023 MOASS BBIG MEGA CATALYST: Microsoft tried and failed to acquire Tik Tok. It would have fit nicely in the entertainment division with Xbox, Microsoft video games (Halo 1,2,3, 4, The Avengers, Skyrim, Call of Duty, Gears of War etc.) Other suitors include Netflix, Sony, FaceBook, Twitter, Disney (free Disney World/Land advertisements via video sharing), YouTube (owned by Google), WhatsApp, Instagram, Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group, T-Mobile etc. ***BBIG’s new CEO will likely want to maximize shareholder value before selling off LoMo, so they will likely aim for 1 billion+ monthly active users worldwide first. Frankly, this is a no-brainer and a great reason to buy 10,000 BBIG shares and check back once per year after 2020 for your 10 x gains!

CURRENT ANALYSTS’ RATINGS: Refinitive Verus via Fidelity Investments - Buy , FinWiz App via TA - Strong Buy , Investing dot com App - Strong Buy Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Bullish community sentiment 85%; VectorVest App - Hold . More analyst upgrades to Buy/Strong Buy to come on bullish chart/TZ and double-digit LoMo MAU growth & DD advertising revenue growth via AdRizer.

MAJOR CATALYSTS AHEAD FOR BBIG (Yes. Successful investors must be forward looking over next 12-18 months to prosper. It’s essential DD):

  1. Monday Oct. 18th would be an ideal time to release dividend details & payout ratio for existing shareholders. This will generate a flurry of good PR and articles for investors and will likely result in a gap up (Friday’s close was $8.23 after a day high of $9.06). BBIG will give us full details at the appropriate time via press release/SEC filing. If you’re on BBIG’s list of investors to email notifications, you will find out pronto. (More info here:

  2. Reduced sells from SS during 10/18–10/22 “on or about” record date window for spinoff dividend shares of Cryptyde (more info here:[64].pdf)

  3. Short Seller Squeeze with Low Float & FOMO Starts as all shareholders continue to hold and accumulate to be eligible for spinoff dividend shares. Purchase by Oct. 15th for best ROI. Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG and a perfect storm of green candlesticks for weeks. SS fails to deliver come due.

  4. Deadline for shareholders to invest in BBIG and receive the dividend (remember “on or about” language and T+2 settlement regulation). Deadline for evil SS to buy to cover BBIG shares to avoid paying for dividend. Deadline for investors to be invested & earn dividend is in article body above with link to official SEC explanation. Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG. Whale investor entry alert!

  5. Many evil SS will decide to go long in BBIG after covering to benefit from the steep uptrend ahead. Margin calls and forced liquidations will force many evil SS to buy to cover. ***Expect bullish PR on LoMotif’s great 20% increase in Monthly Active Users (MAU).

  6. Analyst upgrades to buy/strong buy are inevitable as BBIG will have $491.5M in cash and no debt, new CEO plus AdRizer purchase to unlock MB$ annual revenues from LoMo. Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG. Whale investor entry alert.

  7. A large volume of in the money call options that will expire on 10/22, 11/19 & 12/17 will be exercised resulting in a high volume of share purchases. Look at bullish call-put ratios -

  8. BBIG will appear regularly on the following lists: Top Pre-Market Gainers $ & Percentage Gainers, Highest Volume Gainers, Trending Up, Gapping Up , Top Gainers Lists and Trading software/scanners/trader’s alert services will give traders BUY NOW ALERTS. These lists tend to attract large volumes of new investors, as a result gap ups are common for equities on these top performer lists. More smart money accumulation ahead. FOMO! LoMo has first ever $500K month in advertising sales revenue thanks to AdRizer.

  9. SEC filings disclose major whale/institutional/activist/special situations investor’s new position. Mainstream media spreads this news to retail investors resulting in multiple feature articles, bullish speculation and a gap up on daily chart.

  10. BBIG Feature Articles, CNBC Interviews, Press Releases, Q3 & Q4 ER, Good News etc. Margin calls and forced liquidations will force many evil SS to buy to cover. Analysts upgrades and higher price targets could result from improvements in daily JCS charts and technical analysis. ***Great news update on LoMotif’s 25% increase in monthly active users (MAU). BBIG press release: LoMo has first ever $750K month in advertising revenues!

  11. November 19th Monthly Options Expiration Date (third Friday of Each Month). HIGH VOLUME OF CALL OPTIONS. All call options that expire in the money will soon be converted to purchases. Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG. FOMO!

  12. Dividend payment date for spinoff dividend shares of Cryptyde. Payment date is usually about a month after the record date. This should be announced with payout ratio details in investors meeting (latest). This press release will generate a lot of new investor interest/watchers/new buyers. LoMo has first ever >$1.0M month in advertising revenues!

  13. One or more BBIG insiders purchase over 100K of BBIG shares.

  14. Press releases on upcoming BBIG & Cryptyde collaborations/joint ventures with E-NFTs, LoMotif, AdRizer, Kong, Volmax, Major Social Media Co., Ocuverse etc. New BBIG acquisition announced! BBIG shares rocket higher still for new ATH.

  15. BBIG’s due diligence team makes its presentation and recommendation to the Executives and Board of Directors. A major accretive acquisition of company in entertainment sector is given the green light and press release is issued in Q4. BBIG hits fresh 52-week high.

  16. Tik Tok takes a major tumble in MAU in US & EU on : China CCP data collection (spying) concerns, a worsening in US/EU China relations based on more China first behavior patterns strong arm CCP tactics in Hong Kong/Taiwan, new major Chinese Co. fraud designed to rip-off US/EU investors exposed, or more stolen military/defense/nuclear/trade secrets/IP etc. US intelligence agencies already NOT pleased with Tik Tok entering US market. LoMotif gains major market share in US and abroad on favorable publicity.

  17. BBIG reaches $1.0B in worldwide sales and > 500M MAU only 12 months after finalized acquisition of Lomotif & AdRizer. Details on revenue growth and income streams attached below. But, just $2/month from ad sales with 50M users is $2 x 12 x 50M users = $1.2B and that’s a super conservative projection for year one folks. From there WW revenues could double for the next three years in a row via diversified revenue streams and advanced user functionality.

  18. Q1 & Q2 2022 beat Analysts’ consensus estimates for revenue and EPS thanks to more new highs in MAU for LoMotif, AdRizer revenue growth and subsidiary’s revenue growth. Delta & Mu Variants of Coronavirus are no longer a concern in US by June 2022. Economy and stock markets continue impressive recovery despite inflation concerns and rising interest rates on pent up consumer demand for restaurants, vacations/travel, shopping, entertainment (concerts, plays, major sports & movies etc.), electronics/smartphones, new vehicles and homes. Cryptyde shares have already doubled in price by July 2020.

  19. New Product Rollout: LoMo for Kids is released in US featuring super simple controls and many must have features for only $10/year. Now kids are hooked on LoMo younger than ever and advertising sales increase to new all-time highs in 2022 with new kids’ market.

  20. Blockbuster material definite agreement for MMM$ strategic partnership is signed that incorporates AI (artificial intelligence) into a major BBIG offering. BBIG share price soars to new heights on a flurry of positive press.

  21. Jan.–March. 2023 Rumors whirl on Wall Street… Then BBIG announces new plans for divestiture with spinoff dividend shares for shareholders. CEO is featured on CNBC with Jim Cramer on Mad Money or Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network.

  22. National News: Group of well-known dedicated short sellers admit defeat losing billions on BBIG short and retire from short selling after two billionaire investors join BBIG with major stakes .

  23. Buyout offer acknowledged from Facebook, Disney, Sony, Apple Inc., Microsoft or Berkshire Hathaway at a mind boggling $276/share in Q2 2023 . Offer accepted. BBIG CEO is a hero to shareholders. Best advice ever: Buy, hold & accumulate BBIG long term. It’s too darn good to trade.

Anyways I guess thats my Bullish and Bearish Cases… There’s more… This shit is going to reverse squeeze after they pump it up one more time…


Cant wait for this crock of shit to die…


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again… If you don’t know how to exploit the retards, then you are a retard. Thanks for this post. Will be keeping BBIG on watch.

“BlackRock and Vangaurd have Puts… They don’t care about the Valuation of BBIG or any of its accusation… They want a higher price so they can short it… They did it with SPRT… It was the main reason why I was short SPRT after the Run Up… Saw those big boys double down was a green-light for me” - so I can understand this for myself, how were you able to determine this? would like to cross reference with a few of the other recent movers.

1 Like you can see who has puts and if they want to they can disclose their short positions… Some even use long positions as coverups… a lot do it that way… You can do it with any stock… I just noticed a correlation with the big boys… They seem to know more than I do… Plus fillings…

BBIG aka Big Bust :joy::joy::joy: great call