BBIO - On the Rise

BBIO - BridgeBio Pharma

Has been an interesting Journey for this stock over the past week - Some bad FDA news dropped the stock from $40 average down to $12 on the 23 of Dec. Since then has risen back to $17.00 - been playing it since the drop so far noticing it seems to dip and rip around 1-2 dollars daily. It could end or bottom out at any point. Should be considered very risky, and a tight stop loss is recommended.

I know some members might have quite a bit more information on the company - but as I don’t just posting it as a possible scalp. Currently playing shares and calls closest to the current price.

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It’s also worth noting that on Dec. 30 and Jan 3, there were several insider share purchases.

  1. Roland Daniels - 10,402 shares @ $14.34
  2. Brent Saunders - 17,600 shares @ $14.48
  3. Andrew Lo - 6,000 shares @ $12.90, 1500 shares @ $14.30
  4. James Momtazee - 80,000 shares @ $14.50
  5. Fred Hassan - 19,300 @ $14.16
  6. Hannah Valantine - 1,764 @ $14.23

Total - 136,566 shares
Total Sum $ - $1,961,252.40

Will be interesting to see where this goes. I’ll have to read up more on the reasons for why FDA did what they did and the stock fell the way it did. Reminds me of PTGX which dipped from $46 to $13 a share. A little under a month later, they showed evidence that the FDA was wrong and the stock shot up to $36. I’ll be doing some digging and posting here.

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It appears their Pfizer-rivaling drug failed to show significant results compared to placebo ( This is radically different from the context surrounding PTGX. Though the trial is being extended, they are likely searching for alternative applications and being that this was a late-stage failure, their potential of producing meaningful results that can compete with Pfizer’s drugs are unlikely in my opinion.

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