BICO (Biconomy) Project TGE/DD

IMPORTANT: This project is NOT currently trading, but has been on my radar for about a week or two and has officially got my buy-in given its limited ICO’s performance. We are expecting news of its first major exchange release leading up to its TGE on 11/23/21. This is Blue Chip Crypto potential, and has some pretty impressive supporters which I will get into below. The thing to keep in mind is DAY 1 listing will be a HUGE PUMP. I DO NOT RECOMMEND BUYING ON RELEASE. You’ve been warned.

Now for some DD:


Biconomy (BICO) is a project looking to massively impact cross-chain transactions and development via seamless web3 and plug-and-play API’s. They have 3 core programs (Hyphen, Gasless, and Forward) which offer various features to accomplish their goals.

Hyphen offers flexible gas fee payment options, fast inter-chain transactions, and easier layer 1 to layer 2 onboarding. More Info

Projects integrating Gasless will effectively eliminate gas fees for their users. This is HUGE, as most people are out off from using many DApps simply due to the ridiculous, and often highly volatile, gas prices. This would be a great selling point for any project, and personally, I’m glad to see this next step in the industry. There are some platforms that offer “gas refunds” but there is usually a cap or a minimum spend. More Info

Lastly, we have Forward which offers an integrated way for users of any platform it’s on to pay for gas fees on L1 and L2 with ERC20 OR Stablecoins! :exploding_head: Imagine, no longer having to constantly convert that little bit of extra ETH and instead simply paying with DAI, or USDT, or any other stable coin. This also adds the possibility of incentivizing users for using a particular coin to pay gas fees, or discounting gas fees in general. More Info

So far, there are several smaller platforms that have integrated these programs, and by most accounts they are working as advertised. What more can you ask for?


As if the above wasn’t enough to make a decent case for at least raising a brow at this project, here is a list of its confirmed supporters:

Yeah, you’re reading those correctly.


BICO already had two ICO options back between 10/14/21 and 10/19/21. Both sold out relatively quickly, netting BICO their goal of $11.5M and putting 50M tokens in the hands of investors. The first wave of these to be unlocked for public sale happens “on or around” 11/23/21.

Now if you’re thinking you missed the boat, don’t fool yourself. Total Supply is 1B and the only other people that have this token, aside from the developers, is the early group that got into the private sale where 120M tokens were up for grabs. Doing the math means about 830M are left to go, which is not bad at all.

In terms of the public sale coming up, it’s hard to say what the initial price will be but I can tell you it will likely be > $0.5, and it will soar VERY FAST. This is why I say, don’t buy right away. A week or so after TGE we will likely have a stable floor to grab up, as well as an idea of how high this thing can climb. Below you will see the planned breakdown for the token supply:

This is also promoting a bullish case for me, because any coin that puts the majority of the supply in the hands of its community means a lower likelihood of a rug pull.


Overall, I am quite bullish on the project, and several people that I personally feel comfortable taking advice from are playing this with me.

Their goals have all been met so far along the roadmap, they have great supporters, they have in-use platforms, their community seems very supportive and bullish, and the hype is ever-growing. I will update a bit more soon, just want y’all aware for now…


Quick update:

TGE has been delayed and no exchange has been named yet. Here is the thread posted by BICO:

Also, found this bit of info, which gives an idea of how some of these projects do that have been supported by Binance, Coinbase, and Huobi: (further reinforces my bullish feelings)

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Posted on the Discord earlier, but forgot to update here:

BICO announced to be coming to Huobi exchange for TGE. Currently slated for 12/01/21.

If you are in the US, you MUST use a VPN for Huobi and set your location to somewhere in Europe or Asia (I personally use France). You do NOT need to complete the KYC to trade it, simply transfer funds from another exchange to Huobi and use that to buy BICO (or anything else on there you want).

Personally, I transferred USDT via TRC20 network (costs about $1) and have my USDT on standby in Huobi for BICO.

With the TGE less than 48 hours away, I want to clear up a few questions I’ve gotten:

  1. If you are OUTSIDE of the USA, you can complete the KYC and attempt to trade on the Huobi Primelist TGE. I don’t recommend EVER jumping into an ICO or TGE, unless you know the price will be fixed or you have some insider information. More often than not, the price almost immediately after listing will skyrocket before falling off a cliff, so you will be buying extremely high and then stuck holding one hell of a bag.

  2. If you are INSIDE the USA, you are simply waiting for the end of the TGE and looking out for public trading. Many projects will begin public trading very soon after an ICO /TGE if it goes well, which I anticipate this will. If it does, realize you’ll be in a good spot having already made your account on Huobi and having some funds on standby. I will be making callouts as soon as I plan to buy, but it likely won’t be for a few weeks. Again, don’t be the OG bag holder. Buy smart, sell smarter.

BIG UPDATE! New exchange for BICO!

Started on Huobi, but now BICO is listed on OKex and Gate, with a listing announced for CB Pro for sometime today. Also on FTX and ByBit.

DO NOT FOMO!!! Very common what is happening now where the price skyrockets and then comes crashing down. I have not bought in yet, and will be keeping my cash on the sidelines until I see a solid floor. You have been warned.

Just some quick TA:

Purple lines are supports/resistances on the 30m level, teal are on the 15m. So far it’s been lining up pretty well within my channels, I expect it to hit that $16.49 mark soon and possibly show a small bounce, maybe a couple more before a little sideways action and then continuing its descent to that next channel down between $15.69 and $13.43, where we may see a bounce back up due to the buy pressure around $15.

I will continue to monitor, and of course anyone is welcome to chime in or ask questions :blush:

Literally made the small bounce off the $16.49 as I was typing the last update :joy:

Action on the 3m, man I love it when a plan comes together :blush:

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Quick Update:

Since the ATH, BICO has been declining. I expect it will continue on this downward trend until it finds its floor closer to the $5-$6 range, maybe lower if people get scared and panic or if BTC sinks, which currently looks like a possibility.

This is EXACTLY why I made sure to warn everyone in the beginning. If you bought at the $10+ mark, realize it may be quite some time before we get there again.

BICO has also been listed now on many exchanges, still pending that Binance listing but I don’t believe that will influence the price as much anymore due to how available it has become over the last 48 hours.

The real catalysts we’re looking for now are either partnership/utility developments or for BTC to rocket. Otherwise, as I said, I suspect a continuation of the downward trend.

Hey gang, just a quick update:

BICO is likely going to continue its downward trend, and at this point I think we may see it drop fairly low, possibly into the $1-$2 range if nothing positive pops up for it over the next week or two. I’ll keep monitoring just in case.

I have continued to average down, still holding the majority of my funds off to the side. You need to do what’s right for you and your folio size, however. I can afford throwing a few hundred dollars away, if that’s not you then just wait as I mentioned in my original post. Maybe buy 1 so you satiate the FOMO feeling.

Next support to break is about $6.09, then it will roll down to about $5.66, and so on.

Quick update:

BICO seems to have found some decent support around $3.05, and is currently up to $4.5 levels. I will do some charting after I get back from holiday, but I expect it to continue to trade around the $3-$5 range for a bit unless some news appears or BTC pumps.

Sentiment is still good for the project overall, but given how new it is and the volatility in the market right now there is no telling when it will shoot back to those $6+ levels. I definitely would not anticipate this going back into the teens or $20+ this cycle, again barring any huge news or BTC suddenly rocketing.