BLK Q422 & Beyond #blk

Hi I have been trying to play Blackrock $BLK for a while. Usually ill timed and get burnt. So I am throwing this out here for others to not join in losing money but to find ways to make some from them. Could be by way of puts or calls or other financial vehicles.

Below is Blackrock over the years. Not as great as they were a year ago but also not dead, yet.

I will add to this as time goes to collect my thoughts

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Blackrock - Earnings 10/13/2022 PM

Going to the end first, depending on market conditions I’m gonna strangle this Mofo. Looking at Oct 21 as a earnings play and likely sell before ER depending on how things outside of them are doing. 620c and a 520p sounds nice

OI for 10/21/22


Earning coming up folks 10/13/22 Pre-Market

Last quarter Earnings Whisper

Latest impacts

Interesting piece of municipality losing faith in BLK future focus. Now divest $800m.

Increase dividend share in September

Blackrock advising earnings in market will be big and haven’t seen the consequences yet

Thanks NASDAQ for saying BX is better than BLK. Consider that a possible comparison to earning impact could ripple for BX as well. Earnings for BX is 10/20/22

No matter what I or you do, let’s make money. Don’t care what side of the contract side. However I’m leaning further down, but that timing may be swayed earlier by the market or even pushed into 2023. Cheers y’all

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