Bridon Baekart UK exchange DD EARNINGS 11/19

Hello folks I’ll try to make it short and sweet and hopefully make some folks money. Again I’m new to this but I have some insight In this company in particular and here’s the news.

So I work at a plant in a little town in Pennsylvania. Close to I-81 which is a highway anyway. In NORTH AMERICA there were 2 other companies like mine maybe 3? 1 in Canada which is already or in the process of shutting down. A lot of the machinery from the facility is already at our plant and getting set up in the new building. We were told about this in June after our latest Union Contract. They also shut down the plant we had in Texas. As far as I’m aware they only cut the rope I to pieces and then shipped them out to the customer.

Well now starting early 2022 NEPA will be THE HUB for all things steel rope In North America. See there are other companies that do what we do but we are literally Nunber 1 and for a reason.

We never shut down for the Pandemic. Per or new NIAC number that was issued right before COVID got bad it changed to us being an agriculture plant or something. which is a lie but it kept us open and our competition closed. This was meant to give us an advantage over the competition since mining and things don’t really stop getting built ever.

Wire Co. Is our closest competition I’m aware of

Also significant is our plant in particular was majority held by The Teachers Canada Union or whatever. So they always had a lot to say when it came to doing ANYTHING. Well they were recently bought out by BBRG entirely so now things are happening. They have been nonstop working on fixing and beautifying this plant and working for the next one down the street to be ready and operational by Jan 2022. The new plant won’t be FULLY operational but enough machines will be running that they are hiring like crazy to fill positions.

We are now THE plant for BBRG in North America. We inked a deal with the Navy this year I don’t believe we actually started production on that yet. I am at work but I can try to expand on this later.

We are on the European exchange as well. Earnings are tomorrow and I’m expecting things to go well. There is some news on yahoo finance that I don’t know what it actually means for the stock. I believe maybe good but I cannot say with any certainty.

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