Brummel's trading journal

Going to use this as a log for myself mainly to keep track of the incentives of why i got in a trade.


Entry at curser, scalped 420 4 may calls for quick profit. (1 cent spread on those) looked for a breakthrough backtest of 416.28 but didn’t get one. got in when it started making the same low on the 1 min and the volume started accelerating.

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Scalped some puts ( 0dte 415 for the quick gamma increase) It showed that it was holding below the 416.28 level, entered when it broke the lows and volume started accelerating (entry at cursor). Came back up but formed another lower high. exit around 415.50

Also interesting to note for other people looking to trade 0DTE

When it came back up 10 minutes later ( at the arrow) the puts would have been worth less than when i entered 50 cents above that.

( Setups are on the 5 min but timing the entry on the 1min)

Scalped QQQ puts, entry was a bit agressive since it was making a consolidation range below the 316 level. It was holding it strongly so i entered. Sold when it failed to hold new lows for the day. Nice profit.

Closed my ZIM calls, AMC puts and ESSC calls. Flipped them all for a decent profit. Without these crazy commissions i used to have flipping these actually makes a nice profit. :ok_hand:

Scalped some 0 DTE SPY puts at the backtest of pre-market lows on that sellers wick

Something rapper guy: another one.

scalped puts on that red candle. as soon as it stopped making a higher low and broke the previous low.
Resistance was VWAP and premarket low above, it came back up on low volume which was an indication it was probably just shorts covering from open. Quick 10%.

Peak the volume on that move back up. Not bullish.

Entry on higher low, bit too aggressive since it started making a consolidation range. Sold into the previous resistance. volume profile on the 5 min was decent. not the best of trades

Got stopped out on an aggressive put entry at 10:24

Scalped some Q calls for a small profit, will probably call it a day here. bit too choppy

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As for transparency, my ZIM call buy from a while back was retarded.

On vacation for 2 weeks, stay green everyone.