Camber Energy merger has a swing play and long term play for the licensed carbon-capture system in Canada

You can see that some institutions in the last 2 days grown their positions on CEI going long. Why would institutions make the aquisition of more shares of a company that is getting delisted? I’m expecting the fillings release for tomorrow or monday next week!

CEI up 16% !!! Pressure is being applied!!!

A few words of caution that need to be given.

1). 13-F filings are always lagging. So all the info you have from those filings would be from 3/31/22. They could’ve bailed out of those positions by now. Just to play devil’s advocate, tons of groups increased holdings in tons of other companies that have tanked (including memes like AMC/GME). Just because the position increased doesn’t necessarily indicate much.

2). So the point seems to be that CEI has some very late financial filings but based on what we already do know…

They are operating at a pretty decent loss. I’m sure covid had a big impact when looking at 2019 vs 2020 figures in their filing but we have no clue how much they have recovered. Cash on hand is pretty low

3). Looking at VIKN

They seem to be doing a bit better than CEI but nonetheless also burning money. They also had to dilute significantly in order the merger to occur.

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer but trying to understand what the play is. Is your case that the stock has been beaten down too much due to poor management and delisting fears has made it undervalued?


It’s indeed what I beleive. I always advertised this as a swing play. The moment the fillings will be released and that it makes CEI compliant with the SEC and ready for the merger, a big run is expected.

After that, It’s really about how the company will developp opportunities for their carbon capture sector. If everything goes well, I might take a small long position post merger.

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When is the filing expected?

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Before may 20th. Me personaly, I think it will be release next monday premarket.

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Personally I don’t think it will run but hey
what do I know. GL though.

Bulllllllllliiiiiiissssshhhh!!! Great week ahead!!

CEI is on a bullish trend at the moment! Fillings can be expected any day now. Important to consider that any run in the days coming might be priced in so be aware. If any news about deals and contracts are brought up in the next days, these could be considered as additionnal catalyst for a longuer run.

Hope yall have a great day and God Bless!


A bunch of fillings for CEI and VKIN been released AH! These settled chronologicaly the last fillings being updated but not due for may 20th. Aditionnaly, Antilles Family Office is an entity that had 1,575 shares of Series C Preferred Stock. One of the fear is that They would converted their shares during CEI run and impute the play. This is now not a possibility has they converted their shares for approximately 39,939,450 common shares based upon 399,794,291 total shares outstanding as of May 16, 2022. They too, are ready for the run! Here are the fillings :

The 10K and the other fillings due for may 20th still the most important drop that we wait. Get ready for some mouvement tomorrow!!!


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COMPLIANCE 10K’s confirmed for tomorrow PM !!!

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Fillings being drop this morning PM!!! CEI is up 8% at the moment. The run has started.

CEI will be compliant tomorrow PM!!!




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That’s great! Now the stock can feel free to go up any time now :laughing:


Goodmorning brothers and sisters. CEI is now ready to go up. We have some good pressure PM around 7% up at the moment so that’s great news. From now on, I do beleive the short pressure will be lessen considering there’s no more risks of delisting in the way. Buying pressure will therefore have more impact on the price action. Im expecting considelerable mouvement for the next weeks.

However, market condition is something that might put up water in the gaz. So that’s something to consider for option player. Wanted to add up aswell, option since yesterday are now available for Jan 2023. So if you wanna play small leaps, that’s your chance.

Hopefully we run today so I can sell for profit and roll some calls for the future.(Note that my position at the moment is 57 1.50c for may 20th) I will buy more today for june.

Yall have a great friday friends.


Donquixote Doflamingo ll

Just wanted to say few words. I’m happy that the company is now compliant. However, we didn’t have the initial run expected. Market conditions at the moment are terrible and everybody is keeping their money. For that, I apologies if yall took calls for today and they ended up worthless.

The future is bright and with the 3.5B reserved for carbon capture tech, the good financials of VKIN and the merger to come with other new deals. I strongly beleive that we will run. If the play is still apealing to yall, take positions with shares or calls in consequences.

Im still bullish. Took 25 2c for june 3rd. Will probably take more down the line.

Again, delisting wont occure but the initial run didnt and for that, I’m sry. Didn’t see the market going south like this.


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I don’t think you need to apologize, PH. DD played out well as PM and at open there was a push. You were calling this out for a while and it jumped up 10% at open. If anyone was grabbing calls at that time when IV was high that’s their responsibility. Great job! Hope you keep printing.

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Dude when I first read this thread a week or two ago and looked at 6/17 1c, they were .08. Today they’d have sold for double that.

That’s a 100% banger and the only reason I even looked was because of your DD. You can’t control the market.

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