Chess Club Tournament - April flowers bring golden showers

Greetings fellow voluntary virgins,

We will be starting our April chess club tournament this week.

Our last tournament was a success up until the finals, and one feedback we received was to have a longer time-frame to play games as everyone is on different schedules and timezones. For that reason, we’ll open up entries starting today and closing them off Wednesday evening.

Once signed up, Danny and I will create brackets. You will be required to play your games within a certain period (depending how many people we have) so that the finals can be played at a set date towards the end.

Some rules:

If you enter, ghost, and don’t play, you’ll be removed from chess club for wasting time. This is for serious players only, even if you’re in the bottom 1% like tmilly and no bags.
Talk your shit, but be respectful.
You must stream your games in vc when you play so we know you’re not cheating/using an engine.
No super players allowed (1500 is cut off)
All games will be 10 minute rapid.

If you’re interested in joining this month’s tournament, please enter your chess username, discord username, and chess elo. Cut off for entry will be this upcoming Wednesday April 13th, 10pm Central.


DickEaton, 1118 ELO currently. Ready to face Moon in the finals!

Pawn_0f_the_dead ToTheMoon 1289

Alexchess171 AlextheGoose 400

I just came back from a break but always been a big chess guy, what website you guys playing on? I’ll get in on this

juangomez0503 1285, ScalpyBoi :bear::rainbow: lets gooooooooooo

BindSorrow Daniel 694.20 elo

The mythical Bootyatchess69

Elo like 36 or something


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yongsooyuk ELO 527
Also you a pussy for not allowing 1500+

Bayoubiscuit (523), Bayoubiscuit90

@swoleappa, try not to suck this time. Playing for pink slips.

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Chess Username: NotStruggling
Discord Username: Joshua S
Chess Elo (10 min): 634

Internetkingz (207)

Jibble93 673

EndSequence 1179

MillyYo like 215 I think

O_Groupie on, 525

machommcan, macho#3160, 1318
