Cingulate (CING) - I have been told that i have ADHD, but i dont think i - hey look, a squirrel

Cingulate (CING) is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacturing and commercialization of pharmaceutical products that utilize precision timed release (PTR) drug delivery platform technology to create dosing schedules and drug release profiles that improves the lives of patients suffering from a multitude of commonly diagnosed conditions.¨¨


The Precision Timed Release (PTR) Platform unlocks the possibility for ‘True’ Once-daily, Multi-dose Tablets. In other words the platform enables the releases of medication at predefined times thus providing the
opportunity for entire day efficacy, safety and convenience. A robust patent portfolio covering the PTR drug delivery platform provides as well strong IP Protection with the opportunity of further developments:

Key upcoming Catalysts:

  • CTx-1301 (fixed dose, pediatric study) - ADHD - Phase 3: data due in 3Q 2023.
  • CTx-1301 (dexmethlyphenidate HCI) - ADHD - Phase 3: initial results expected in 3Q 2023
  • CTx-1302 (dextroamphetamine suffate) - ADHD - Phase 1/2: Data expected before early 2025.

Market Opportunity
Total ADHD pharmacotherapy sales in 2022 exceeded $20 billion, with over 90% from the stimulant class. In addition the Anxiety markets is a over $5 billion market in the US with Buspirone as #1 treatment.

The current major unmet needs of ADHC patients are the need for booster / recovery meds, wear-off effects, abuse of drugs, heavy rebound/crash and lack of fast onset of action:

For example Vyvanse start working within 1.5 hours after taking the medication in a clinical trial of children ages 6 to 12 with ADHD. In a study of adults diagnosed with ADHD, the drug was shown to start working within 2 hours. The rebound effect of Vyvanse can result in an intense reaction or behavior change for roughly 60 minutes at the end of a dose.

So the promises of CTx-1301/CTx-1302, enabled by the The Precision Timed Release (PTR) Platform, is

  • Entire active-day duration and fast onset of action
  • Elimination of need for a ‘booster/recovery’ dose of short-acting stimulant medication
  • Improved tolerability including minimization or elimination of rebound/crash symptoms associated with early medication ‘wear-off’
  • Allowing payers to reimburse for one ADHD medication versus two

Clinical data demonstrated the following:

  • CTx-1301 blood levels demonstrate the potential for a duration of action for the entire active-day, up to 16 hours, vs. Focalin XR 12-hour duration
  • CTx-1301 performed as designed, with its precise 20% ’built-in-booster’
  • CTx-1301 demonstrates rapid and equivalent blood levels of Focalin XR, indicative of a 30-minute onset of action
  • CTx-1301’s precise, 20% 3rd delivery stopped the mid-afternoon plummeting of blood levels, controlling the decline until early evening
  • 28.6% reduction in TEAE’s related to CTx-1301 versus Focalin XR (14.3% difference)


As of December 31, 2022, Cingulate had $5.4 million in cash and cash equivalents, as compared to $16.5 million in cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2021. Based on the Company’s current operating plan, Cingulate expects its cash and cash equivalents will enable the Company to fund its research and development and general and administrative expenditures into the second quarter of 2023. In January 2023, Cingulate entered into an At The Market Offering Agreement (the “ATM Agreement”) with H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC, as sales agent (“Wainwright”), pursuant to which we may offer and sell, from time to time through Wainwright, shares of our common stock for aggregate proceeds of up to $2.65 million. To date, Cingulate has not made any sales under the ATM Agreement. In addition, Cingulate is evaluating other alternatives to raise additional capital, including equity and debt financing.

Position: small starter position (announced in the Position System)


That dosage strength doesn’t look strong enough but this sounds awesome. As long as I still get my 70 Milly-grams I’m happy

This is a topic I know a decent amount on. I personally was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and I’ve taken both Adderall XR and Vyvanse (currently on Vyvanse).

So as for duration, I don’t think that there is any issue for those on Vyvanse, 12 hours is more than enough to do what you need to in a day. I don’t personally agree with their onset figures but even if accurate that also isn’t really a concern.

The main issue in the ADHD sector right now is that Vyvanse is extremely expensive and not covered by most insurances, so the majority of people actually ARE on a medication with a duration that requires “booster doses” (Adderall XR). However Vyvanse’s patent expires in August of this year meaning it’ll get generics for the first time. At that point I think a large segment of adults with ADHD will shift to Vyvanse and for the first time have a drug that doesn’t have issues with duration.

To me that means that this drug is going to hit market a little too late unless there are other benefits found.

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Speak for yourself I need 24 hour dosage cause when rebound kicks in when I go to bed my thoughts start wylin

Must be the autism. :thinking:

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Oh I’ve got that too. It’s evident from my DD success rate :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I could see this being very beneficial to Parkinson’s patients. They take dopa meds but the ones one the market today are very time sensitive and must be take multiple times per day and specific time intervals to be effective. If they could just take one or even only 2 pills per day it would be a huge benefit


Reflecting on some of the comments and after doing more research i believe the additional value of the drug will be not recognized by the payers. For this reason i am closing my position for BE.