COIN added a new risk factor in their filing with securities and exchange (PUTS)?

As per the latest filing by Coinbase including a “new risk factor” for crypto holder is that your crypto assets could be seized to satisfy creditors in case of bankruptcy by COIN. Aren’t the crypto holders consider creditors too?
COIN’s CEO assured investors that there is no risk of bankruptcy. However, in the short term this might scare coinbase crypto holders. I think puts can be a good short play.

Please see below article:

Anyone can add their thoughts into this or dig more would be helpful.

Puts it is!

COIN’s run was likely more about short covering than BTC price increases. SI has decreased from 26% to 16%. Fundamentals still shot, so not like this reduction in pressure should see prices keep rising on the back of said financials.

Took a 10/21 60P/70P bear put spread for $3.50.

Rationale is that we should get close enough to $70 at least to lock in a ~25% profit.

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You should be pretty up after Friday’s downtrend. It should continue to fall this coming week. Are you still holding puts?

The spreads were up about 30%. I was not expecting such a quick fall, else naked puts would have been much better.

Unsure if will hold or liquidate - will decide on Mon based on what price action looks like. If it falls more, will prob lock in profits, and roll down. If it rises, then will hold into Sep.


Closed these out for $4.75. The drop happened way too soon and increased IV, making incremental gains slower.

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Good play!!