Commodore's Cash Account

I started a WeBull account with $100. I’m making trades with only settled funds. Trying to lean into profit taking and compound gains. We’ll see where it goes from here.

01/28/22: UAL 01/28 39C–bought at .69 sold at .78
Account EOD: $108.88; +8.88% Daily; +8.88% total
Settled Cash: 30.95
Unsettled Cash: 77.93

Update after Week 1 02/04/2022:
Account EOW: $83.09
Settled Cash: 60.59
One play open: ESSC 02/18 $12.5c

I failed to scalp AMC puts on Monday on my first play of the week which put me in a hole early:
AMC 02/04 15p–bought at .8, sold at .52

I came back with UAL
UAL 02/04 45c–bought at .38, sold at .45

Bored-traded BBIG
BBIG 02/04 3.5p–bought at .33 sold at .28

Chased KHC and DKNG
KHC 02/04 35p–bought at .1 sold at .04
DKNG 02/04–bought at .68, sold at .57

Started to make a little bit of a comeback by quickly selling calls on SENS and ESSC
ESSC 02/18 12.5c-- .3 to .35
SENS 02/18 3c-- .3 to .39

Ended with UAL
UAL 02/04 43c–.12 to .10

I think I did better after SPY had found its support and resistance for the day instead of trading more near open like I did with AMC. I did an okay job on cutting losses, but I really really need to stop trying to force a trade to happen (see BBIG) after I’m down on the day. Buying calls on ESSC and selling them back for 5 bucks was probably my best play imo–Plus, I wouldn’t mind holding onto those calls if I couldn’t fill a sell order.