Community Wide Bug Fixes

I’m creating this topic to house smaller fixes and changes in the community that don’t necessarily require a big announcement. When I first post this it’ll trigger one, but from then on I’ll simply reply to this thread to generate the “Activity Notification” in trading-floor to address it.

New Post Discord Notifications Fixed - Today I fixed “new post” notifications for Discord so that they should be working as expected across all categories that are hooked up to them. The issue was that some subcategories weren’t triggering the notification, so depending on what subcategory was assigned to a topic, the notification would or wouldn’t trigger. This has been resolved and everything seems to be working as it should.

Forum-Activity-Stream Discord Channel Created - I’ve created another forum related discord channel that contains notifications for not just new posts, but for replies to posts as well. It’s #forum-activity-stream in discord located just below the newly renamed #forum-dd-posts channel.


Changed Alert Channels - Alert channels are now more broad, #the-jb is now #scalp-alerts to allow for the addition of other champion tier and higher callers to be added. #Conqueror is now #server-wide-alerts

Set Forum Activity Notifications on Trading Floor to “All Replies” - Going to give this a test run to see if it improves the visibility of what’s going on in the forum. We want more and more conversation pushed here considering some future Discord changes could cause us to fully switch platforms in the future.

Fully Archived and Deleted “Channels” - Cleaning up the number of channels in the server.


Removed “Public Signals” category - These are discontinued.

Created !facc command - Used to unmask discord users forum accounts

Created juangomez blogs category

Fixed !threads command - It now searches with “in:title” selected and the archives importance in search results has been moved to “Very Low”. Now accurately brings up the more recent threads for tickers I tried.

Replaced “Repeater Bot” - Scalp alerts are now fed into the following thread and then mirrored to TF by the forum bot. Didn’t work, reverted this one


#og-chat has been removed - During IRNT, the OGs felt really out of place and in order to be sensitive to those that felt emotionally attached to the old “core group”, we create an OG exclusive text and voice chat for them. While it was at first widely used, over time, it has become dead space and therefore was removed today.


#asgard has been removed - During ESSC we saw a need for a channel to conduct higher level discussions on the setu…. no I’m just kidding. We literally created a channel for Kevin and Wolf to be neurotic and autistic in that wouldn’t freak people out. Seeing as we’ve now downsized and locked down, I don’t see any more issues with Kevin and Wolf’s autism being on full display.

#ocean has been removed - This was a chat for the whales which only existed so I could keep tabs on everyones position. No longer needed with downsizing and thus has been removed.


Announcements category default sort changed - Now sorts the topics by created date rather than activity so announcements appear in chronological order.

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Added “Long Term” category to Analysis/Duediligence - For plays with much longer timeframe for completion. #analysis-due-diligence:long-term


Removed Market Rebellion from Twitter Feeds - Largely repetitive of other feeds we had.