Crypto Charts/TA 11/3/21


I love charting crypto. It’s relaxing for me to check my charts and map supp/res. I decided to share it with the community for the first time. These are just some I’ve been watching closely lately. I will post another with the big boys like ₿TC & ΞTH, etc later this week.

₳ Cardano 1d - :credit_card:

Caught volume today but failed to break 2.12 res. Keeps bouncing off 1.91. Sell limit set at 3.99 for a pop-off. Holding the rest long term.

Levels up are 2.12 > 2.31 > 2.79 > 2.96

LRC 2h - :curly_loop:

Failed to keep :rocket: channel. Watch for bounce(s) off 1.09. Break below that to find support in the 0.94’s.

One of my larger positions. Bleed is not high volume. Standby for next leg in either direction (I’m betting up).

MATIC 1d - :robot:

Great volume on these bull candles. Holding range above 1.84. Holding up-trend perfectly fine.

Supp: 1.84 > 1.46
Res: 2.22 > 2.44 > 2.82 > :up:

This one is primed for ATH with the bullish volume to back it up. I removed my sell limit for $4 because I want to see where this goes. Very bullish on MATIC long-term so any bags won’t be bags forever.

Ł LTC 1d, 1w - :flashlight:

My favorite under-performing :chicken:. In my wildest dreams it lurches up from the depths and reclaims that old up-trend with a monster move above $420 into a glorious ATH. LTC is an oldie but a goodie…and I believe its a sleeper. This one is a 100% gainer eventually and is usually late to the ATH game. I’ve had a position in LTC for a long time. I trade about 1% -2% of my port on it.

The 1 week shows the now vs that insane bull-run we had earlier this year. 6 straight weeks of bull candles with half-decent volume. Not quite sure what else to think but bullish. :cow:

Litecoin has moved more then $100 in a week in the past.

Supp: 166.95 > 101.00
Res: 211.21 > 221.25 > 236.69 > 261 break puts us into ATH territory imo.

This chart has many more supp/res lines because it has much more history.

SHIB 1d, 1h - :dog2:

As I thought, we entered this channel. Might be a week or more before it’s bottom is tested. Even a shitcoin like this has to take a breather after an up-jump like that. I have some spare change in here so I’ll let it ride. I don’t recommend hoping on this until it’s below .00004 at the very highest. I have no serious position in this. I expect sideways and down until we see some big volume.

Supp: .0000500ish > .0000320ish level
Res: .0000820 > .0000889

Hope any of this helps. It helps me (relax). Thanks.


LRC update -

We held the previously mentioned support. Still holding. I think there is time before this GME/NFT thing pops off (if it does). Seems to be a lot of evidence pointing towards it but you know SuperStonk…they’re like the QAnon of the stock market.

SHIB - update

WOW…I never imagined we would actually test and hold this channel I drew on the initial explosion. Pretty awesome chart here. SHIB is turning out to be a technical beauty…probably because it runs on nothing but sentiment anyway.