DCRC - Solid State Battery Technology for Electric Vehicles

warrants somehow helped up today much to my immense joy


A month is a long time to wait for a vote. If it does go to 10, which wouldn’t be out of character for a SPAC, I’ll be really happy because it means it will be on sale. I’ll average down with a smile on my face.

It bounced off 11.2 today. It’s basically a waiting game until the vote in December. I’ll be updating this less often but watching it daily.


Different kind of market back then. That was before the inflation fears when everything was running hot af. I doubt we will see a move like that again…

anyone holding on to warrants? with the commons not tracking the warrant price, I am worried about a hard dump on the warrants.

Well well well DCRC old buddy. Looks like today was good.

As predicted, the stock fell into the 11-12 range and has recently emerged alongside some EV infrastructure news, QS/RIVN ramp, and retail FOMO.

Here’s my take:

The Dec 7 announcement is still the thing to wait for.

QS is stupidly overvalued. They’re not benefiting from the infrastructure bill (and neither is DCRC, imo). But that won’t stop people who don’t know that from plowing in.

QS (and DCRC) have nothing to do with Rivian.

If it keeps climbing I’ll look for an exit and try to reenter before the vote.


I sold half my position yesterday for some profit and I’m letting the rest ride. But do you think it will come down once more since there’s still 3 weeks to go?

I think it should retreat again after this next high. But with the Polestar (GGPI) SPAC, Rivian (RIVN) IPO, and infrastructure bill hype, it may just keep gaining traction from getting lots of media exposure. And then if retail really gets on it, it may stay up. They also may release additional investment, partnerships, or all around good news like the SK Innovation deal that could give it momentum.

The foundation of this DD for me is that Solid Power has truly innovative technology and is ahead of the curve compared to their competitors. Their raw material inputs are easier to acquire, simplifying their supply chain. It is not based on FOMO, hype, or squeeze. This is a long term play for me. I expect to be holding SLDP for years. However, I do think the deSPAC will be a catalyst for a price spike, and I’m hoping to profit off of that.

QS’ overvaluation, in my opinion, is only a good thing in that SLDP and QS will be constantly compared to one another. When QS goes up, DCRC will likely benefit. But once people realize QS is overvalued, it may take some hits, and DCRC with it. Look at other high hype IPOs like Rivian and see how long it takes for the initial spike to wear off. I think that we’ll see that cooling off here over the next few weeks leading up to thanksgiving and the dec 7 vote. Perhaps as low as $11.7. Strong support off of the $12.8-$13.0 range is a good indication of strength for me.

Whether you play it that way or not is dependent on how you’ve played it so far. I’ve made a lot of % gains off of this so far, so for me, I feel like anything more is just icing on the cake. If you don’t want to miss out and you haven’t yet bought in, I’d wait for a better entry. Buying right now would be chasing.

Thank you. That’s a really comprehensive take on this. And thank you for this DD. I’m already comfortably up on this one

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I’m expecting upward momentum if the BBB legislation passes.

You might want to be careful, after their week off Thanksgiving, Congress is only going to be in session for 2 more weeks. The two big items on the agenda for the Senate are the BBB legislation, and raising the debt ceiling.

Both are likely to make the markets go down while everyone yells at each other before they come back up once they finally pass some legislation.


Hasn’t the BBB legislation been passed already?

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No, it passed in the house, but it hasn’t been voted on yet in the Senate.

The infrastructure bill passed and was signed. You might be thinking of that.

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When I say pass, I mean signed into law.

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I see, thanks guys!

Is this play being held through the 12/7 vote and merge, or is this a play of the potential run up to 12/7?

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I think after the merger completes

With the COVID news today I strongly believe that DCRC is super on sale. I would pick up Jan calls today.

Do you think 12/17 calls should be rolled out to Jan with the dip?


Great question. Not sure. It depends on the strike. I think if you’re at like a 17.5 strike, yes. If you’re at 12.5, no.

This Reddit DD post is gaining traction, with u/repos39 spreading it around as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/SPACs/comments/r4ywon/solid_power_dd_the_leader_in_next_generation/

This Reddit DD is one that I read months ago that I saved — note that it was written before the definitive agreement so the wording is as if the merger is not confirmed: https://www.reddit.com/r/SPACs/comments/nxibua/recommendation_buy_decarbonization_plus/

With the vote coming up on December 7 and social sentiment building, we may be able to expect a run up towards and imminently after December 7. Thinking of picking up 12/17 12.5c or 01/22 15c. Probably 01/22 15c.