Devize (drunken day traitor) Trade Journal

ok so finally starting one. first off I have learned a lot from the people in this community and i want to say thank you. Started back when Conq called out IRNT. Made a lot of good plays and mistakes since then. Currently down 26k on the year after being up 10 or so after ESSC. I actually got out of that one ahead… both times. What killed me was the down trend and getting caught in calls, not having the balls to average down and taking losses rather than small gains. I am currently making it a goal to have 0 red days. Even if i walk away with 10 dollars in the green, i figure its better than 1000 in the red!

My typical plays are SPY and TSLA scalps 3-5 times a day for 2-5% gains.

Today i goofed and bought SPY calls when i was trying to buy TSLA calls and freaked out and sold for 140 dollar loss when it knifed. In reality if i would have waited 20 more minutes i could have still sold green even if it was a mistake to buy. I did scalp TSLA today for 270.00 profit so i am overall green today. 1.5%. Missed my goal but ill take it still.

Current positions are
KSS July 15 55C at 1.32
SFIX June 10 8$ CSP at 0.70 (trying this wheel strategy)

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Scalped some TSLA 680 0DTE Puts today. When its jumping back and forth like it was today I like to set up an order like this and time it on an reversal. its real quick in and out. it can be risky though! Im up 5.5% today… may call it a day.

Looks like the first time ive tried this wheel strategy was the wrong week to do so considering the CPI… will be assigned my SFIX Shares more than likely at a loss… but hopefully will make it up selling the covered calls next week.

Scalped TSLA one more time for a quick 100 dollars. think im done for the day.

Scalped TSLA and SPY Puts for 2.5%. Got into RDBX, but cut it for a 30 dollar loss because i didnt feel confident in it.

Took 2 AMC CSP 10.50. this morning. Giving the wheel another try.

nothing too exciting for me today. Steady gains though so im happy.

Also Holding 4 ALTU July 15 calls @.22 Cost.

Scalped TSLA Puts for 4% gains this morning
Sold off ALTU Calls for small gain

just holding my 2 AMC 10.50 CSP for wheel strategy.

Had a couple days off. was at an insurance conference yesterday and the day before. managed to scalp 2 TSLA puts from my phone yesterday. wish i would have been by my computer, could have made good money yesterday. dont like trading from my phone. feels too risky.

Today scalped TSLA Puts for a loss.
Scalped SPY Calls for a gain
Thanks JB for the MERO Call out this morning. made a little money on that too.
was a very slow day on the market, and there were some wonky things going on with the option prices this morning. thats the main reason i ended up cutting my TSLA Puts for a loss early in the day.

First Red day since June 1st. Lost 95 dollars today because I couldnt cover the cost of commissions. called TD today also to negotiate trade commissions.

This weekend im diving into learning what @thots_and_prayers is doing with the Theta plays. looks interesting and profitable.

Scalped TSLA again to day for 2.6% Gains. had a busy day so stayed out most of the day.

Scalped TSLA Puts today. could have made a lot of money but its so hard for me to hold any TSLA past 5% gains. ive been burned big before holding out on TSLA.

Holding 6 KMX P at 1.7

Got back in on a TSLA Put against my better judgment and rules. was up today 300 bucks. now down 500. anyone reading this take this as a lesson to always stick to the rules you set for yourself. my 2nd red day this month. first big red day though.

Lastly, I wanted to hold these puts a little longer than i did. Once again, if i would have listened to my gut i would have exited green. I was out of available cash to average down because i averaged down in bad spots. Today was overall a very undisciplined day for me.