DGNS - SPAC Cvent x Microsoft Partnership - Catalyst Nov. 8

$DGNS is merging with Cvent, and Microsoft announced in a blog post that Cvent is now integrated with Microsoft Teams, but there has been no official PR drop. Cvent earnings is on November 8 afterhours where we can speculate that they will announce the partnership officially.

[Edit November 5, 2021: PT1 in Discord shared a great Twitter thread DD on the company fundamentals: https://twitter.com/kingtutspacs/status/1455198714176458759?s=21]

Position: 11/19 10c

Source Reddit DD

Earnings on Nov 8


Thx for putting this on my radar, call premiums seem decent. I am in for 10c 11/19 as well


yo thanks Kevin! good to see more SPAC threads in here.


Is there a price point that this is predicted to go to? Or just up is what we can assume?

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The latter, for me. This is a fairly speculative play. I am only assuming that the partnership is not priced in and will make an impact once it comes out. Lotto size for me here.


That is one sexy weekly chart

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Looks like a nice entry today? This thing still alive?

Added some 11/19 10C lottos for u <3

Entered for a few shares today, didn’t have options available for the ticker in my broker.

Also bought a few. Let’s see how this goes


Just some info on Cvent:
Cvent talks a lot about a road to 1 Billion(revenue) being their first step. They are the defacto corporate events management for most S&P100 companies. They power huge conferences like salesforce dreamforce. The recently expanded into medium and small events. They also rolled out a ton of virtual conferencing integrations to handle the new covid normal.

I don’t know what a “$300mil spac” means, but if their market cap is only 300 mil, this is an absolute steal.

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Currently holding 5c contacts strike 12.5 exp 11/19What’s your PT??

I don’t understand spac’s very well and I wouldn’t get something so close. I was thinking of grabbing the may 22 $10, they were actively succeeding at growing revenue to hit the $1B mark last I checked. I don’t know about losses though. They are owned by Vista and the only reason they are being let go early is due to not wanting to be linked to the all the fraud that went on with Robert Smith.


Got it, appreciate that!

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their share price dropped off a small cliff after posting earnings. I guess they increased spending a lot this year?
edit: revenue growth seems to have plateaued.
" Revenue is expected to be in the range of $514.1 million to $515.3 million, representing 3.2% year-over-year growth at the mid-point, which is up from our previous guidance of $507.4 million and 1.7% year-over-year growth."
their sales team seems to make most of their sales end of year, i guess due to how budgeting is done by other companies? So they technically could beat 3% growth, but not sure by how much.

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The latest news from this merger is a shareholder vote on the 7th. If that goes well, the deal “should” be finalized on the 8th in after hours. Ticker change should be shortly thereafter.


Form 425, Im in with shares and feb calls. check out the slides. They have tripled revenue since being a public company when trading at 39 before they went private. Lot of bullish long term hold for me. Ticker change this week 12/8 afterhours

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is there a potential for a deSPAC play? Do we know anything about float size after ticker change?

The merger will have CVT valued in the realm of 5.3B at $10 a share. There is ABSOLUTELY no likelihood of any kind of short/gamma play right off the batt, but it could see some decent movement through pure fundamentals and sentiment.

The bull case for CVT is simply that they are a great company with a solid history and an extremely positive reputation, so there could be a possibility of institutional buy in following merger. Retail could play a SMALL part in it too, but CVT doesn’t seem to be on the radar of our more apeish friends.

The bear case is that nobody really seems to care right now, so they could simply stay in the $10 range and slowly creep up in valuation like a boring, responsible company.

I’m not really betting CVT will skyrocket, but I do hold some 12/17 calls that I picked up when they were dirt cheap last month. They could turn around and surprise us in the weeks following the merger, and dish out some last minute Christmas gift money.

Don’t FUCKING yolo into this.