DIS earnings play

DIS is in a tight descent now, should be just matter of hours for a possible breakout…

That, or it will just get tighter before ER.


Gonna open an earnings positions for DIS today, I got 5/13 150c and 155c on my watchlist.

I am looking at those 5/13’s 150’s too - depending on price I always assume earnings = lotto’s

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Opened my position, 2 150c, might add more later but just gonna watch until the market picks a direction

Started a 140c dated for June. Waiting to see which direction Disney decides to over the next week

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One interesting Topic for Disney - is the HULU Ad Revenue - It seems they are starting to improve the system to compete with the other major self-service types - Goolge and so on. It might be a bit early but the HULU self service ad model could be a huge rev stream.

What’s New:

  • Combo reports: You now have more power when creating a Detailed Report - you can now select multiple dimensions in order to drill down into the performance of your targeting options. This report can include all of the targeting you selected or simply a few.


  • Toggle for CPM or CPV : You can now choose the way you’d like to view the cost of the media for your campaign: via CPM (cost per 1,000 views) or CPV (cost per 1 view). Note: There is no pricing difference between CPM or CPV views, it simply allows you to view the pricing in a format that best suits your needs.

  • Ad Upload Tips: The Ad Upload step now includes more guidance on how to ensure that your Ad is approved.

FL Senate passed the anti-Disney bill.
Goes to FL House now

Not in this play, but this did pop up in my news just now-


They passed this?

Took a starter position. $145C May 13 filled at $0.62

Cramer bought DIS today so Godspeed retards.

So I took a quick peek at the OPC, pulled these comparisons up, Leap Jan 20, 23 200C vs May 13 150C. The fills are so low on the Leap FD’s they are within $20. I feel they may be a good alternative to place a safer bet for earnings, also if Disney tanks further for some crazy reason at earnings your money isn’t done and gets to live to fight another day.

Looks like eliminating that improvement district has become even more of a bad idea. Did the politicians even look into the repercussions of what would happen before they voted on it? Seems like Disney is going to benefit quite a bit from this.

On Wednesday, the Florida Senate voted 23 to 16 to eliminate the Reedy Creek Improvement District, dealing a major blow to Disney and by extension, taxpayers in Central Florida.

The district has about a billion dollars in outstanding bonds that need to be dealt with. That burden, as state lawmakers admitted, will fall on local taxpayers.

“Disney said something we don’t like, so get wrecked taxpayers here’s a $1B mess for you to clean up. Don’t forget to vote for us in the midterms!”

Disney has hit a 52 week low and I’m debating to average down on June call here. Curious if this is just pricing in the recent news or movement with the broader market? Or both?

I took starter DIS $130c for 05.20.22 for a play on earnings today, after the news coming out about the special district, and since DIS got hit so hard by NFLX. I’ll play this by ear, but at this point in time I don’t intend to hold through earnings.

I would say both. I’m not in any rush to re-enter disney as long as the market continues to go down. Disney usually follows SPY, and there is no reason for it to move in a positive direction unless the market really rips (unlikely) or they blow out earnings and have a strong forecast in a couple weeks.

Agreed with beaker here. Here is an excerpt from the Feds BedgeBook

District retailers reported solid demand during the reporting period. 
However, some softening is expected over
the next few months amid expectations of smaller tax
refunds (due to the advance in child tax credits) and
rising gas prices. Automotive unit sales were down, and
prices increased over the reporting period as a result of
continued supply constraints.
Tourism contacts reported robust spring break activity
and cited Florida’s beaches as a top destination. Hotel
average daily rates and occupancy levels were up over
2019 levels. Some improvement in business travel and
conventions was reported, although this segment
 continues to lag leisure travel. ```

i know market sucks right now but found a reference to this tool and looked at disney.

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Okay y’all, I’m looking at some 130 and 140c 5/13 for Disney tomorrow. I think with fb and paypal beating, and a feeling that Apple is going to beat tomorrow, the market is going to be green for the next couple of days. I could obviously be completely wrong and totally giving myself to the algos right now for giving away my play but I think getting in tomorrow to hold over the next week or so should give you a good entry before IV gets jacked for earnings on May 11.

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this is the same thought process that I have right now.gonna reopen my positions that I have conviction in.

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