Due Diligence Meeting 04/26

Tomorrow night at 8PM will be our second “DD Night”. While the agenda is pretty open, you can feel free to add topics that you’d like to see discussed to this thread.

I would like to briefly touch on the market is the matrix analogy from my blog post found here: Theory 1: The Market is The Matrix - Specifically building upon strategies that target boring days.

I would also like to touch on “stocks being too high”. This is in relation to “Maverick” correctly talking about how McDonalds is a recession play in his videos and then trying to short it on earnings.

Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Perhaps Chevy bolt discontinuation could be a play? Or with the news out it’s not a play but seems significant for $GM. Would love to hear any feedback (ex. Could be a play on $TSLA as it held nicely yesterday perhaps slightly because of this news)