Earnings week of 3/14 - 3/18

this post is still being developed

This post will be for information on pre- and post-earnings plays (IV run up, momentum scalps). I will notate companies that are easily recognizable.

This is not for plays to be held through earnings


  • List item


  • SBUX
  • Lennar
  • Williams-Sonoma


  • FedEx
  • Dollar General

Starting some little test driving positions.


Leaving these here to reflect on next week.

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Picked up 3/18 FDX 245 call for 1.04

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Why so far OTM on the FDX? They’re cheap and 240 have all the OI, but risk reward seems skewed…why not 232.5 or 235s? P/L seems significantly higher for not that much more premium

Edit- Oh, I just bumped the IV slider lol. Is this the earnings experiment talked about on TF? I may join, lemme read a bit

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What’s your plan to play this? Is it a IV ride pre earnings or hoping to hold this through earnings?
