Energy Web Token EWT a new global market for energy

[center]Energy Web chain is THE ONLY market leader with the right funding, team pedigree, history, partnerships, real world active and successful applications and technical capabilities to make the next generation of a global energy market place a 1 trillion dollar and growing market.[/center]

  1. How does this make money same as any blockchain everytime you use it you pay more transactions = more revenue.
  2. Decentralising energy origin certification with TEO and ledger
  3. Engine joined
  4. Creation of localised renewable energy marketplace along with validator partner Stedin
  5. Energy web uses the Polkadot parachain model meaning many companies can hance completely independently run chains but can all loop back into the same market through the relay chain its also Ethereum compatible giving even wider market exposure.
  6. Already has many many nodes run by lots of big players in the energy space including Austrian power grid (most of austrias power supply), energy de France, Engie, PTT group, Vodaphone, Tepco and many more link here (all of these verified by the companies themselves I don’t’ have time to link these but its common for chains to fake partnerships)
  7. Initial investors in EWT $2.5 million: Shell, Elia, Sempra energy, Engie, Statoil, Stedin, Tepco, TWL, SP Group and Centrica.
  8. Even bigger affiliates (people who invested in 2nd and 3rd funding rounds) like shell, Hitachi, Volkswagon, EON and many more link (all of these verified by the companies themselves I don’t’ have time to link these but its common for chains to fake partnerships) BTW these guys buy tokens and THEY DON’T SELL so its not a PND venture capital cash grab which are so common. They are holding it because the NEED them to stake the nodes and run their networks. Believe it or not buy relentless marketing is long term BEARISH because it means VC’s are pumping to dump on your face. If its quiet its good.
  9. (white paper)
  10. Possible for you to stake with any validators so stake with vodaphone etc
  11. “California Section 110.10 of the energy code © interconnection pathways, 1. The construction documents shall indicates a location for inverters and metering equipment and pathway for routing of conduit from the solar zone to the point of interconnection with electrical service.” This basically give regulatory framework to a distributed Energy providing marketplace. Imagine lots of homes with solar power generationg excess energy they could sell it to the grid on a fixed price contract as standard or sell it to the energy web chain to obtain the best price at any given time also cutting out middlemen. They also potentially run a EWT node powered by the solar on top and gain the benefits of staking getting rewarded for helping boot strap the network. A renewable decentralised (removes points of weakness) power plant fully automated with no employees or overheads. This is the power of energy web chain. How would this manifest? Elon and tesla have a role to play here in partnership with the south Australian government to make the worlds largest virtual powerplant with a 5Kw solar panel system and a tesla 15.5kwh powerwall battery installed in 1,100 homes Tesla is helping South Australia build what will be the world’s largest virtual power plant - The Verge Tesla Powerwall | Tesla Solar Panels | Tesla Virtual Power Plant . It also propped up the grid during a coal power outage Tesla's Australian virtual power plant propped up grid during coal outage | Utility Dive .
  12. This has been followed up with reports from the Australian electrical market operator with which mention the tesla experiment. And guess what THEY ARE A ENERGY WEB CHAIN PARTNER!
  13. Tesla has also made a autobidder software which allows people who have solar and a tesla power wall to optimise sell prices for their power tested in Hornsdale power reserve larges lith ion storage battery in the world allowing it to buy better priced energy.
  14. So how does this link to blockchain and specifically EWT. I’m getting there Grid singularity is powering the tesla autobidder and they are behind EWT so yeah that massively successful virtual Australian power plant and new more efficient profitable energy market place is EWT REAL WORLD USE CASES FOR CRYPTO THAT ARE BETTER THAN EXISTING MODELS EXIST.
  15. The next big growth for the energy market place has 1 key word DERs Distributed energy resources aka retail level power production and energy storage.
  16. Energy Web chain was actually first workshopped in 2014 valid crypto tech takes years and vast amounts of man hours. Gavin wood was involved in this as was Eward Hesse head of grid singularity (that owns EWT). Its got some serious pedigree and years of work in it.
  17. Substrate which is Gavin woods (eth foundation OG) project has 2 off shoots EWT and polkadot.
  18. Founders Stedin, Alliander, Ct, IBM, DNVGL, ABB and ascent they are working to provide a framework on universal smart energy markets trading frameworks through product design, market agreements and regulatory framework. One of their project Hoog Dalem (hello)
  19. See below projects growth of DERs


ChainLink Token (LINK) - Energy Web Chain - BlockScout thats a link to energy web chain setting up a test node of chainlink HAHAHAHA IT fucking is as well see it always chainlink. Yet another MASSIVE market place for chainlink.

Ok there’s more to this but I need to move onto the Graph next and I’ve started talking about chainlink again so I need to take a break.