EXPI - Break out the Frito's to scoop up this dip

Hello again everyone. Got another ticker to share with you. Today I want to present to you eXp World Holdings (EXPI). This company operates a cloud-based real estate brokerage software which allows real estate agents to operate more remotely. This software provides brokers with access to a virtual business space and pretty much everything they need on the go so in return eliminates the need for an agent to have a physical office. Sounds bullish.

EXPI also has a global footprint with operations in over a dozen countries.

They were seeing a nice growth in price during October and then of course on 11/02 they started seeing a drop right beside the likes of RDFN, OPEN, and OPAD due to the mess that Zillow started up with housing stocks. But with the recent success that OPEN and OPAD have shown, I feel that EXPI will soon start seeing some rise of it’s own again going off of those companies showing potential future growth. Not to mention EXPI has done decent with their own earnings over the course of 2021.

This is not financial advise. Please do your own research. I do not have positions, but am looking at getting into some Nov 19th $50 calls and possibly a $55 Dec 17th calls.

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I like it. I’m in for the November calls.

Thanks for putting this together. As someone in the real estate sector, EXP seems like the only brokerage that is truly poised to make the transition into a more tech savvy real estate world. I can only speak to the real estate market in Texas. But they have positioned themselves in the VR/metaverse like no other brokerage. They have steadily added new agents. Additionally, they are successfully recruiting the larger and most successful agents and their teams from other top brokerages throughout the major cities in my market. They have a great employee stock program and are heavy on recruiting younger and more tech savvy agents.


Yeah, the insider ownership of their stock is over 50%. Now they just need to merge with Matterport and have the 3D virtual sector on lock.

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Truly a disruptor. I hear agents from all the other top brokerages talking shit about them on a regular basis. All mocking the use of cloud and VR. I’ll be taking a long position as well. I’ll see what I else I can gather from a couple agents at EXP.