Forum Update to Indicate Sentiment

I’d like to showcase a recent improvement to the forums. One of our resident architects @Lync has been working on a way to indicate BULLISH/BEARISH sentiment on a forum post and I’m excited to announce that it has been rolled out.

From now on, when you’re creating a thread, you can now show if you are bullish or bearish on your topic and people browsing through topics will be able to see the tickers that people are anticipating a bullish or bearish movement.

You can already see some of the threads are using this new feature:

If you start a new thread, it’s quick and easy to indicate your sentiment:

When you are starting your topic, you will see the check box ‘Include sentiment tag’

You will now be able to indicate your sentiment by clicking on the gray bar to move the slider:

Big thanks again to @Lync for working this out! I think it looks great and will be a great improvement to the forums.


How do I buy calls on TDRO?

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