GME... shortsqueeze candidate?

Someone should delete this garbage of a thread.

I sure hope I’m the only one suckered into this.


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Well… RC bought 100k shares today.

Last time this ran up in January AH when there was news about the NFT marketplace there was a serious dump throughout the following day. It could be the same or it could run.

The weekly option chain is primed so either there’s gonna be some delta hedging or intense shorting.

There are much more knowledgeable traders in this group so I’ll just leave it at that any hopefully we’ll get some feedback from some of them.


Given how in Jan the market was free falling, I think the market situation is a bit different, helping GME pump today. I guess is that all the retail fomo will come in, shorts covering or not, and we see another green day for GME. Unless Pow Pow shits the market somehow, I think the bullish sentiment rn is too strong for GME.
Although very string shorting can just override it

Hello from the dude still holding ESSC shares, RSX puts and probably the highest SNDL avg than anyone in the world… FML.

This past week’s price action is baffling to me, tbh. I understand RC buying in, but after horrible earnings I couldn’t believe the recovery on Friday. (YES I BOUGHT THE DIP :joy:)
I know spy has had an amazing run, but this response from GME is unexpected.

A very silly conspiracy but I must bring it up…I brought it up on TF a couple months ago and there’s probably nothing to it.

XRT is an ETF which holds a small amount of GME. Some of the APE theories is that they’re shorting the shit out of GME through XRT.
If you look up the SI, it’s very high.


Copied from a comment on vitard:
From my understanding ETFs can be shorted in an unlimited fashion, there is no requirement with regards to FTDs and Reg SHO. Therefore, the ETF cannot be short squeezed. The retailer meme stocks are in the XRT (GME, POSH, WISH, ETSY, BGFV). This is how they can short these stocks and not drive up the reported SI. It’s a well documented exploit that the SEC has commented on before that shorts are still using, because the AP’s (Authorized Participants) can rehypothecate unlimited amounts of shares.

And isn’t this a short squeeze candidate fundamentally?

Last comments from me…GME finally broke off from AMC and KOSS --some of the other ones it usually runs with. Not sure what this means but just think it’s interesting. All being said this very well can dump 15% tm morning just because that’s what GME does. I’m not trying to shill but I think this deserves some serious attention… especially as insiders keep buying!

@Conqueror @The_Ni @rexxxar and all the other brilliant minds that are much much smarter than me :clinking_glasses:


@bestbagholder what’s the sentiment on the webs for GME?
I mean, outside of the apes. Let us know here, please. Thanks.

I see some strength on the chart but the options chains are bearish on several future opex.

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Hey bud, MOASS tm, confirmed.

In all seriousness, I’m flying back from a conference and will look at some stuff tonight. I


Took 2x GME $500c @ $2.75ea, Plan to swing these for a few days, but if it goes longer that’s fine because there’s plenty of time on these. I think sentiment will carry the stock price up eventually and make another run on IV with these

Edit 04.06 - oops, these are June calls, no wonder I got funny looks in TF when the bot forwarded it

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Sorry been swamped with work. Today’s action has been bearish.
I’ve cut a majority of my calls at a decent loss.

Here’s an intraday update to the ortex numbers

I’m going to let this fall a little and then get some 200s for June when the vote for the split is supposed to take place.

As for the webs and ape noise, sentiment is guarded but positive as always.

I’ll update here if I see anything worthwhile.



On a related note, the Elliott Waves :ocean: guy called the exact top GME hit yesterday at 173ish. He thinks this may bleed to 125ish through next week before it rips to 300+.

I get a sense/holding out hope that there could be more insider buys in the near future.

I’m just relaying all the ‘ape’ speak so you guys can have a good laugh and take in whatever you feel.

As for my play, I started selling some covered calls today…GASP! I plan to average into some June 300s next week. That being said, shorts are still in the red and this can rip any moment.

Feel free to chime in with any thoughts.


GME is being sued by BCG. RC has literally been shit tweeting at them for the last few weeks.


These are great additions! Thanks, buddy!

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Bill Pulte, an activist investor, has been all over GME the last couple of days. Very interesting. He’s on superstonk…lmfao

He bought and is now an APE…and may soon be the second best bag holder :joy:

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It’s been 2 weeks since the first run peak of $190 or so. Are people here still bullish on a second run?

Just me, I think :thinking:

Bought a few and thinking about going into some more 4/22 $250’s and 4/29 $395’s to try and play an IV spike. I mean it’s usually calm before the storm, right? Are you holding any positions?

You cant just “play an IV spike” on nothing. You saw a stock run 100% in a week and you’re calling it the calm before the storm?

You need to look at memes objectively. The spike was caused RC buying a massive stake. Retail piled in, now retail has no reason to be as excited. If you buy calls without expecting a catalyst and a catalyst happens, you’re not smart - you’re lucky.

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Melted is right.

I have calls for June for their split vote and some 180s for next week just for fun.

And quite a few shares :slight_smile:



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The CTB cannot be accurate, but take a look…