$HCIC - SPAC to merge with 'Plus" and deliver self-driving trucks to AMZN February 2021

Ticker: $HCIC
Description of why you are requesting DD:
It’s a TuSimple ($TSP) competitor, both are Chinese start ups focused on self-driving trucking technology. Based on estimates and projections available today, HCIC seems to have higher expectations. The company itself compares favorably against $TSP. Among $HCIC benefits are earlier Mass production date for their SL4 model (2021), compared to 2024 of $TSP; greater coverage (U.S and China) VS only China by TuSimple. They also secured a deal with Amazon to supply first 1,000 units. Amazon is highlighted as a Key US Customer in HCIC presentation. Delivery of an initial 1,000 retrofit units with deliveries starting in February 2021. $TSP ran to $79 from merger.
Applicable links to news articles or Reddit analysis:
Truck Talk: Throwing Shade Edition
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SPACs/comments/o5cjzh/hcic_plav_it_appears_amazon_has_picked_its/


Plus, a Global Provider of Self-Driving Truck Technology, might want to add this link to the thread even though it’s on the Reddit thread! Added this to my watch list.

read the dd on reddit and added to watchlist. might take a small position on the warrants. nice find