HLTH Cue Health Had Decent Earnings - What's the play?

HLTH has recently IPO’d for $16.76 and ran up to 22.55 before calming down to $8.53 low and shown a double bottom off $9. They had earnings today (10th) and reported 580M vs 541M and had .13 EPS up from (.52) YoY. Sales up 223M from 4.73M YoY. Recent price targets have been $14,$19, and now $12. I am just watching but want to start this thread as it popped up on the Finviz scanner.
News - an important move, the company has introduced a mobile COVID-19 test. In just 20 minutes, Cue’s molecular test can deliver results comparable to the standard PCR test, delivered to the patient’s mobile phone. A Mayo Clinic study showed that Cue’s test gives 97.8% accuracy.

Furthermore, the company announced in October that is has made an agreement to serve as the NBA’s COVID testing provider for the 2021-2022 basketball season. And, on November 1, Cue and Major League baseball announced jointly that the health tech company provided COVID testing for MLB games through the postseason and World Series.
While Cue is well positioned as a portable medical test provider, the company does have one weakness – it is heavily reliant on its COVID test kit.


I could not find any information if their guidance includes as well projected B2C revenues which could be a opportunity or if they stay true to their B2B model.

Today was a good day for this stock. I’ll watch tomorrow and might make an entry but really wanted it to test lower prices before starting a position.

HLTH supposedly has a lot in the pipeline outside of COVID, from friends and former coworkers that left for Cue Health say. That being said, not sure if this will have any impact to the stock but they’re having some high turnover right now. Those same friends and coworkers are starting to leave less than a year after signing on.

Yes that’s usually a bad sign. However it’s bad everywhere and is a employee market out there and very tough to compete as an employer.

So far this is tracking well since the post. Could still be running on earnings. Funny enough I did not take a position and now will wait and see what it does the next few weeks.