Holi from riches to rags to?

I’m not going to lie, I got blown out pretty hard by ESSC 1 and 2. On run 1, I just refused to take profit thinking it was going to bounce from $20. I watched 150k melt away and didn’t take profit.

On run 2, I was one of the degenerates that rolled up into the 25s, and unfortunately scalped them rather than hold my initial buy. This resulted in going from a .23 cost basis on the 25s (these things peaked at like 1.50) to 1.25. There was really no winning for me when ESSC traded sideways the last 2 weeks. I spent most of that run with a red p/l. Unfortunately I decided to get back in at around 11, and we know how that went.

So now until I put funds in my account I’m basically doing a small account challenge :rofl::rofl::skull:

I’m currently in the middle of getting some personal affairs together, and my family has been sick this week, so I haven’t really put a lot of effort into trading.

I made around $800 from AMC puts this week. Yesterday I sold some CCS on BBIG and I entered 2 ICs for TSLA earnings. The strikes are pretty wide so while it isn’t the greatest return on capital, I think the likelihood of either side being breached tomorrow is fairly low.


Very nice. Any further plans on riding AMC down further? I know there’s room. I think the trickle to <$10 is going to take a lot longer compared to how much it’s fallen now.

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Hi Holi, I hope that you and your family are well. We will make money on the upcoming plays. Family comes first!


We’ll see. I think AMC is one catalyst away from tanking to 14. I think that there will be a lot of bag holders exiting their positions in february, and that could really drive the price down.


It has really been a rough week. between selling the G-wagon and everyone (including myself) being sick, I haven’t had a lot of time to focus on trading at all.


holi, i don’t think it can be said enough of how appreciative i was with your effort to create awareness for ESSC. it was heroic. and then when you and Conq became the lightning rods for the hate-mongering online, my respect for both of you increased even more in the way it was handled.

hope you and your family feel better soon! thanks so much for your honesty and integrity at all times.

looking forward to having you involved in my small trade ideas now ;-). let’s get this paper in 2022, brother!


I don’t really like TSLA trading relatively close to the puts side, and knowing its potential for volatility, decided to close my IC. Had I closed near open I think I would have been more profitable, but I slept instead :slight_smile:

On the same note, BBIG is holding around 3, and I wont really feel like opening shorts on atm calls on a meme stock. I closed those out too.


sold amd 100p-90p vertical

I will probably take assignment if it gets below 100

I think with the merger on the horizon, amd will trade at a depressed price and recover after combination. If I have the wrong idea feel free to @ me lmao

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I really didn’t think AMD would test 100 today. Looks like I’ll be getting assigned on those shares

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AMD has me under water atm. I thought their purchase of Xillinx woud’ve acted as a pos cat, but I guess not. It’s also strange that it started deviating from SPY. Hopefully I’ll be able to get out safely before earnings.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It will recover.

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Hi Holi, hope you’re doing alright! From riches to rags, and back to riches you go, good luck friend


Good morning from Japan! I slept through the entire trading day, after the market opened red and my portfolio with it.

I just woke up to this though

good week!


Took profit on AMD, ASTR, and SENS.

On AMD, I don’t want to put any pressure on myself to get money into my account too quickly in case I get assigned.

I decided to move my 2.5s out to July. I’m selling $3 Feb calls against them to cover some of my cost basis.

I also bought some WEBR puts for tomorrow. It’s a gamble but I dont think I will lose too much capital if nothing comes of it.

Right now my P/L doesn’t look great because I couldn’t get good fills on my sens calls. That’s okay though.

I also opened up 2 pcs for hood. I think it finally found a bottom and don’t mind holding it at 12.50.

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also this is HUGE but won’t matter in a couple weeks, it looks like I have been PTD restricted long enough that I’ll get day trades back. no clue when the first one will come in but that’s neat I guess.


Kryptek and I tlaked about high premium wheel targets in chat last week, and again today. I said I didn’t want to add rivian and did it anyway lol

I’m done for today. catch you all tomorrow!


WEBR wiped out yesterday’s gains. sold for a 54% loss.

I’m a degen and opened an ATM CCS on UPS because this shit aint worth $230 and won’t be by friday


out of UPS with small profit, should have sold monthlies instead of weeklies.


sold Feb 3.5/4c 1.5/2p IC on BBIG

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