IBM - IBM Q3 Earnings Beat

IBM beat earnings, huzzah!

IBM Long Swing idea, plotted since last year…

Target today may be the Daily 200ema line of 130.

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Took the IBM sympathy play with AAPL Bull Call Spreads…

Oct 28, 145c/150c.

  • I think this will also be the pump towards ER, Oct 27 TH.
  • Supplier released bad news earlier today, so I expect trend to change close to ER.

Msft should benefit from this

Take AAPL sympathy play, he said.
It’s a pump, he said. wekkkekek

Will be cutting this if Apple stock price breaks below 142…

If a play doesn’t work out, save your capital.

IBM meanwhile…


Now, this isn’t a bad area to try a Call scalp on AAPL…

Last update, and will keep this thread focused on IBM now.

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IBM didn’t move much after its postER pump…

Congrats to those of you who made bank on calls.
Kindly refer to the Daily chart above for the macro idea.


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